
Oil on Canvas Board 600 mm X 500 mm Framed in Silver Metallic Frame for Sale

  • Sinbad  Oil on Canvas Board 600 mm X 500 mm Framed in Silver Metallic Frame for Sale for Home and Office by artist C K Purandare

In an Arabian Nights tale, Sinbad could not get rid of the old man on his shoulders easily – same with us with our dead-weight of traditionsoil painting

Besides the Reviews appreciation also comes from:

Artem, Russia; Claire, USA; Lilian Lekics, Hungary; Crystal M, USA; Marta, Italy; Wibke, Germany; Fiona, USA; Yasmin, Jordan; Wenona, USA; Sara, Italy; Jana, USA, Zena, Czech Republic; Matteo Welch, USA; Jena, Canada; Natalie, USA; Ket, Ukraine; Sylvia, USA; Angel, USA; SW, USA; Mike G, Canada; Christopher Hamblin, UK; Anderz Blomqvist, Sweden; Daniel Durante, Brazil; Henri Francois, Japan; Daniel Durante, Brazil; Henri Francois, Japan; Arysthae, UK; Fatima, USA; Martwa T, Poland; Carolin Hansson, The Netherlands; Bahadir Kaan, Turkey; Victoria, USA; Jenny Stokes Bleasdale, France; Joan, USA; Kristina Langerud Aas, Norway, Scout Stanford, USA; Michelle, USA; Nanette O’ Neill, Ireland; Gala, Spain; Meral, Turkey; Marie M, France; Jaimy, USA; Matilda Koenig, Germany; Jennifer, USA; Roxy Elle, Romania; Amo, Canada; Rais, Turkey; Sakke, Finland; Kseniya Lisyanskaya, Russia; Shirin, Iran; Nisha, India; Elsa, Brazil; Rossana B, Italy; Susana E, Germany; Marco, Indonesia; TCA, Canada

Tags: art, oil painting on hardboard, traditional painting, conceptual painting, philosophical painting, surreal painting, fantasy painting, symbolic painting, fable painting, people in painting, Arabian nights story in painting, Sinbadin painting, old man in painting, voyagein painting, nature in painting, seain painting, rocksin painting, shorein painting, hills in painting, skyin painting, sun in painting, , sunsetin painting, iguana in painting, lizards in painting, blue in painting, purplein painting, grey in painting, brownin painting, black in painting

Dr D    India

beautiful !! Just liked the contrast color combination with a orange sun in the background horizon .. the depth of the pic is amazing.
Reminded me of the story of India "today!" The old politicians sitting on our heads and would not let us go.....!! Hopefully helpless Sindbad( India ) may be successful one day to throw them all out in the sea forever !!!

Arvind    India

Best Colour Combination has brought depth & gravity to this Painting.
One of your Masterpieces!

It reminded me of Vikram & Vetal too! Great!

Suhrud Sardesai    UK

Beautiful and striking scene...Initially I thought it was a Cornish cliff till I noted the Iguana lizards of Galapagos!

Aaron    Mexico

O yeah, I did read that, that was so frustrating, Alá bless alcohol.

Carolyn Y M    USA

Very nice painting!!!!!!

Michael Elliott Furr    USA

i love sinbad, very nice work!!

SC    India

I liked facial expressions and toned muscles of Sindabad! The burden of old man looks like a real unwanted burden.

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  • Type: Oil on Canvas Board
  • Size: 600 mm X 500 mm
  • Frame: Framed in Silver Metallic Frame
  • Availability:In Stock
Allegory Paintings

  • For More Information / Enquiry Whatsapp: 9370285986

Besides the Reviews appreciation also comes from:

Artem, Russia; Claire, USA; Lilian Lekics, Hungary; Crystal M, USA; Marta, Italy; Wibke, Germany; Fiona, USA; Yasmin, Jordan; Wenona, USA; Sara, Italy; Jana, USA, Zena, Czech Republic; Matteo Welch, USA; Jena, Canada; Natalie, USA; Ket, Ukraine; Sylvia, USA; Angel, USA; SW, USA; Mike G, Canada; Christopher Hamblin, UK; Anderz Blomqvist, Sweden; Daniel Durante, Brazil; Henri Francois, Japan; Daniel Durante, Brazil; Henri Francois, Japan; Arysthae, UK; Fatima, USA; Martwa T, Poland; Carolin Hansson, The Netherlands; Bahadir Kaan, Turkey; Victoria, USA; Jenny Stokes Bleasdale, France; Joan, USA; Kristina Langerud Aas, Norway, Scout Stanford, USA; Michelle, USA; Nanette O’ Neill, Ireland; Gala, Spain; Meral, Turkey; Marie M, France; Jaimy, USA; Matilda Koenig, Germany; Jennifer, USA; Roxy Elle, Romania; Amo, Canada; Rais, Turkey; Sakke, Finland; Kseniya Lisyanskaya, Russia; Shirin, Iran; Nisha, India; Elsa, Brazil; Rossana B, Italy; Susana E, Germany; Marco, Indonesia; TCA, Canada

Tags: art, oil painting on hardboard, traditional painting, conceptual painting, philosophical painting, surreal painting, fantasy painting, symbolic painting, fable painting, people in painting, Arabian nights story in painting, Sinbadin painting, old man in painting, voyagein painting, nature in painting, seain painting, rocksin painting, shorein painting, hills in painting, skyin painting, sun in painting, , sunsetin painting, iguana in painting, lizards in painting, blue in painting, purplein painting, grey in painting, brownin painting, black in painting

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