bricks and fabrics

Oil on Box Canvas 1000 mm X 1200 mm Unframed, Ready to Hang

Full Title : The Bangladesh garment factory disaster 2013 - some tangential inferences viz. hedonism, objectification, narcissism

The above event where more than 1100 workers, mostly women, were buried alive when a shoddy building of many garment producing units collapsed.The garments were for export to the first world brands like Primark, H & M, Walmart, C & A, etc.

Besides the Reviews appreciation also comes from:

Ivett, Hungary; Lilly, UK; Godfrey, Canada; Jennifer Holden, USA; MS, India; Meagan Emerson, USA; Fiona, USA; Adam, UK; Pat, Hungary; Elena, Canada; Marta, Italy; Justina, Poland; Dorothy Ann, Canada; Ingrid, Norway; Anna, Czech Republic; Ron Ray, USA; Kay Ciesielczyk, USA; Sara, Italy; Rachel Hoser, USA; Daniel Uytterhaeghe, France; Yana, Czech Republic; KS, UK; Lorenzo Tate Smalls, USA; Nina Khalida Zainal, Malaysia; MBK, UK; Andres Felipe Bejarano Ardila, Columbia; Erica Burns, UK; Sheena McCrey; David Grullon, Pierre, Canada; Adrianna, Poland; Andrew, USA; Koralia, Greece; Antonia, Georgia; Vara, Russia; Sofi, Belgium; Henriette, France; S Saint, USA; Mini, USA; Dzul, Singapore; Steph, Belgium; Rose, UK; Graeme, UK; Anna, Poland; Elle A, France; Richard L, USA; Bo, Japan; Lucia, Italy; Tsu, the Philippines: Dovil, Lithuania; Rossi T, Colombia; Lynus, Italy; Darina, Czech republic; Lynn Morris, USA; Angie Loren Carillo Longas, Colombia; Soiman, Hungary; WF, France; Ceresta, Germany; Eben, Canada; Cerulea, S Korea; Kat, USA; Ruby Z, USA; Enola, Iceland

Tags: art, oil painting, oil painting on canvas, traditional painting, symbolic painting, realistic painting, narrative in painting, subtext to painting, contemporary painting, topical painting, dark painting, social painting, political painting, imaginary painting, fantasy painting, painting makes a statement, message in painting, first world in painting, third world in painting, extravagance in the painting, consumerism in the painting, people in the painting, wealthy women in the painting, rich women in the painting, finely dressed women in the painting, women admiring their reflections in the painting, women in the painting, working women in the painting, hardworking women in the painting, collage, injured woman in the painting, , a fancy doll in the painting, falling bricks in the painting, chandeliers in the painting, sewing in the painting

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  • Type: Oil on Box Canvas
  • Size: 1000 mm X 1200 mm
  • Frame: Unframed, Ready to Hang
Contemporary Paintings

Besides the Reviews appreciation also comes from:

Ivett, Hungary; Lilly, UK; Godfrey, Canada; Jennifer Holden, USA; MS, India; Meagan Emerson, USA; Fiona, USA; Adam, UK; Pat, Hungary; Elena, Canada; Marta, Italy; Justina, Poland; Dorothy Ann, Canada; Ingrid, Norway; Anna, Czech Republic; Ron Ray, USA; Kay Ciesielczyk, USA; Sara, Italy; Rachel Hoser, USA; Daniel Uytterhaeghe, France; Yana, Czech Republic; KS, UK; Lorenzo Tate Smalls, USA; Nina Khalida Zainal, Malaysia; MBK, UK; Andres Felipe Bejarano Ardila, Columbia; Erica Burns, UK; Sheena McCrey; David Grullon, Pierre, Canada; Adrianna, Poland; Andrew, USA; Koralia, Greece; Antonia, Georgia; Vara, Russia; Sofi, Belgium; Henriette, France; S Saint, USA; Mini, USA; Dzul, Singapore; Steph, Belgium; Rose, UK; Graeme, UK; Anna, Poland; Elle A, France; Richard L, USA; Bo, Japan; Lucia, Italy; Tsu, the Philippines: Dovil, Lithuania; Rossi T, Colombia; Lynus, Italy; Darina, Czech republic; Lynn Morris, USA; Angie Loren Carillo Longas, Colombia; Soiman, Hungary; WF, France; Ceresta, Germany; Eben, Canada; Cerulea, S Korea; Kat, USA; Ruby Z, USA; Enola, Iceland

Tags: art, oil painting, oil painting on canvas, traditional painting, symbolic painting, realistic painting, narrative in painting, subtext to painting, contemporary painting, topical painting, dark painting, social painting, political painting, imaginary painting, fantasy painting, painting makes a statement, message in painting, first world in painting, third world in painting, extravagance in the painting, consumerism in the painting, people in the painting, wealthy women in the painting, rich women in the painting, finely dressed women in the painting, women admiring their reflections in the painting, women in the painting, working women in the painting, hardworking women in the painting, collage, injured woman in the painting, , a fancy doll in the painting, falling bricks in the painting, chandeliers in the painting, sewing in the painting

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