larger inert

Oil on Box Canvas 620 mm X 465 mm Unframed, Ready to Hang for Sale

  • larger inert  Oil on Box Canvas 620 mm X 465 mm Unframed, Ready to Hang for Sale for Home and Office by artist C K Purandare

Urban architecture where inert construction overwhelms the lively

Besides the Reviews appreciation also comes from:

ZZYan, Malaysia; Lucy, USA; A Tyagi, India; Pogo, Poland; Daria, Ukraine; SP, UK; Bab, Poland; Abby, USA; Pia, Germany; Aaron, USA; Dimitri, Belgium; RI Khan, India; Megan, UK; Rob, USA; Wain, Mexico; Dorota, Poland; Dave, USA; Bo, Japan; AK, India; Astrid, New Zealand; G Kovalewski, Poland; Emi, Japan; D Hudson, UK; Inge, Germany; Georgia, Australia; Kimlol, Sweden; Hope H, USA; CS, USA; Mike, USA; RL, Slovenia; Emily, Poland; Ella, Spain; GB, USA; Sativa V, France; TA, USA; Lee, USA; Asukhanova, Russia; M Amaris, USA, Sherie, USA

Tags: city, building, fence, compound wall, sidewalk, pavement, road in the painting, urban scene, philosophy, art, traditional painting, realistic painting, conceptual painting, narrative, subtext, criticism, oil on canvas painting, people in the painting, children in the painting, tree in the painting, blossom in the painting, city, building, fence, compound wall, sidewalk, pavement, road in the painting, urban scene, philosophy

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  • Type: Oil on Box Canvas
  • Size: 620 mm X 465 mm
  • Frame: Unframed, Ready to Hang
  • Availability:In Stock
Modern Art Paintings

  • For More Information / Enquiry Whatsapp: 9370285986

Besides the Reviews appreciation also comes from:

ZZYan, Malaysia; Lucy, USA; A Tyagi, India; Pogo, Poland; Daria, Ukraine; SP, UK; Bab, Poland; Abby, USA; Pia, Germany; Aaron, USA; Dimitri, Belgium; RI Khan, India; Megan, UK; Rob, USA; Wain, Mexico; Dorota, Poland; Dave, USA; Bo, Japan; AK, India; Astrid, New Zealand; G Kovalewski, Poland; Emi, Japan; D Hudson, UK; Inge, Germany; Georgia, Australia; Kimlol, Sweden; Hope H, USA; CS, USA; Mike, USA; RL, Slovenia; Emily, Poland; Ella, Spain; GB, USA; Sativa V, France; TA, USA; Lee, USA; Asukhanova, Russia; M Amaris, USA, Sherie, USA

Tags: city, building, fence, compound wall, sidewalk, pavement, road in the painting, urban scene, philosophy, art, traditional painting, realistic painting, conceptual painting, narrative, subtext, criticism, oil on canvas painting, people in the painting, children in the painting, tree in the painting, blossom in the painting, city, building, fence, compound wall, sidewalk, pavement, road in the painting, urban scene, philosophy

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