Iraq 2003

Acrylic painting on canvas 405 mm X 302 mm Unframed, Ready to Hang

  • Iraq 2003  Acrylic painting on canvas 405 mm X 302 mm Unframed,  Ready to Hang for Home and Office by artist C K Purandare

In the entire Iraq occupation and its aftermath no one mentioned plight of women

Besides the Reviews appreciation also comes from:

AVM, USA; Gl, USA; CBO, Romania; JYP, Belgium; KK, Poland; Majda, Serbia; Samantha Paige, USA; Alex, USA; Gloria, USA; Naomi, USA; Lyla, Mexico, Lydia McKenzie, Australia; Alan, UK; Stephen, Ireland; Sami, Canada; Lise-Marielle Fortin, Canada; Aaron, France; C Crook, USA; Alessandra Imperio, Italy; Rafaella, USA; Paula, USA; Inge Boehme, Germany; Grete Hallikvee, Slovenia; Fadia Mhassein, Syria; HH, Malaysia; MakieChan, Poland

Tags: art, acrylic painting, acrylic painting on canvas, traditional painting, conceptual painting, realistic painting, surreal painting, symbolic painting, narrative in painting, subtext to painting, message in painting, topical painting, social painting, political painting, contemporary painting, painting makes a statement, dark painting, waiting in painting, queue in painting, women in painting

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  • Type: Acrylic painting on canvas
  • Size: 405 mm X 302 mm
  • Frame: Unframed, Ready to Hang
Social Paintings

Besides the Reviews appreciation also comes from:

AVM, USA; Gl, USA; CBO, Romania; JYP, Belgium; KK, Poland; Majda, Serbia; Samantha Paige, USA; Alex, USA; Gloria, USA; Naomi, USA; Lyla, Mexico, Lydia McKenzie, Australia; Alan, UK; Stephen, Ireland; Sami, Canada; Lise-Marielle Fortin, Canada; Aaron, France; C Crook, USA; Alessandra Imperio, Italy; Rafaella, USA; Paula, USA; Inge Boehme, Germany; Grete Hallikvee, Slovenia; Fadia Mhassein, Syria; HH, Malaysia; MakieChan, Poland

Tags: art, acrylic painting, acrylic painting on canvas, traditional painting, conceptual painting, realistic painting, surreal painting, symbolic painting, narrative in painting, subtext to painting, message in painting, topical painting, social painting, political painting, contemporary painting, painting makes a statement, dark painting, waiting in painting, queue in painting, women in painting

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