It's about power

oil on canvas box 455mm X 355mm Unframed

  • It's about power  oil on canvas box 455mm X 355mm Unframed for Home and Office by artist C K Purandare

This image has been used by International Development Education Association of Scotland [IDEAS] for their brochure

Besides the Reviews appreciation also comes from:

Rik, USA; Scott McMillan, Canada, Kellie Cruz, Mexico; Kali, UK; Aera, S Korea; Krishan, India; Franz, Germany; Theon, Greece; BTA, USA; Dilruba, Egypt; Dani, Italy; Vered, Germany; Rohit, India; Jehan, Iran; Guschar, Poland; Ceri, France; Charles, Ireland; Sung, S Korea; Lui, USA; Georgio, Italy; Carlos, Mexico; LN, Germany; Marga, Italy; Aria, UK; Lena, Hungary; Jenna, USA; Cherkes, Russia; Payal, India; Valencia. Italy; Jijin, Japan; Sakina, India; Victoria, France; Swasti, India; Mandal, India; Shirin, Iran

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  • Type: oil on canvas box
  • Size: 455mm X 355mm
  • Frame: Unframed
Political Paintings

Besides the Reviews appreciation also comes from:

Rik, USA; Scott McMillan, Canada, Kellie Cruz, Mexico; Kali, UK; Aera, S Korea; Krishan, India; Franz, Germany; Theon, Greece; BTA, USA; Dilruba, Egypt; Dani, Italy; Vered, Germany; Rohit, India; Jehan, Iran; Guschar, Poland; Ceri, France; Charles, Ireland; Sung, S Korea; Lui, USA; Georgio, Italy; Carlos, Mexico; LN, Germany; Marga, Italy; Aria, UK; Lena, Hungary; Jenna, USA; Cherkes, Russia; Payal, India; Valencia. Italy; Jijin, Japan; Sakina, India; Victoria, France; Swasti, India; Mandal, India; Shirin, Iran

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