the trap

oil on box canvas 600mm x 600mm Unframed, Ready to Hang

based on an atrocity in a village called Khairlanji, India.

In Sept 2008 six persons were sentenced to death and two for life imprisonment for the killings.

A poor family of outcastes had some small land-holding. The 17 year old daughter and her two brothers [21 and 23] were educated in school and college though, a rarity for such lowest caste people in rural India.
There was a lot of long-time resentment of the higher castes in the village against the 'prosperity' of the family.

It came to a boil on Sept 29, 2006. Except the father who was out of the house, rest four were attacked in their house, women stripped and paraded naked in the village, then gang-raped and killed. The brothers were also killed. Bodies were thrown in a canal.The entire village including women participated in this atrocity.
There was a lot of cover-up effort but the popular protests forced an investigation.

Besides the Reviews appreciation also comes from:

Silje, Norway; Sara Giesteira, Portugal; John Palumbo Jr, USA; Fay, USA; Evita, Mexico; F Spritz, Canada; Lliviu Gherman, Romania; S Kishore, India; KS, Poland; MN, Lithuania; DM, USA; Scott MacMillan, Canada; Justyna, Poland; Nin, The Netherlands; Dave, USA; Morgan, USA; Eben, Canada; S Szczur, Poland; EW, Germany; Andrew Charles B, USA; Anita, Mexico; James W, USA; Lynus, Italy; Gulen, Turkey; Kata, Russia; Michael, Australia; Swati, India; Anastasiya, Russia; Bijay, India; Jeanine, The Netherlands; Susana, Germany; Khatool, Uzbekistan; Albert, UK; Sherie, USA; Valerio, Italy; Lara, Russia; Olga, Poland; Mariola, Spain; Shorina, Russia; Georgia, Italy; Payal, India; Lana, Spain; Marco, Indonesia; Gieselle, Spain; Sebastian, Thailand; Malusi, Russia; Zara, Russia

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  • Type: oil on box canvas
  • Size: 600mm x 600mm
  • Frame: Unframed, Ready to Hang
Contemporary Paintings

Besides the Reviews appreciation also comes from:

Silje, Norway; Sara Giesteira, Portugal; John Palumbo Jr, USA; Fay, USA; Evita, Mexico; F Spritz, Canada; Lliviu Gherman, Romania; S Kishore, India; KS, Poland; MN, Lithuania; DM, USA; Scott MacMillan, Canada; Justyna, Poland; Nin, The Netherlands; Dave, USA; Morgan, USA; Eben, Canada; S Szczur, Poland; EW, Germany; Andrew Charles B, USA; Anita, Mexico; James W, USA; Lynus, Italy; Gulen, Turkey; Kata, Russia; Michael, Australia; Swati, India; Anastasiya, Russia; Bijay, India; Jeanine, The Netherlands; Susana, Germany; Khatool, Uzbekistan; Albert, UK; Sherie, USA; Valerio, Italy; Lara, Russia; Olga, Poland; Mariola, Spain; Shorina, Russia; Georgia, Italy; Payal, India; Lana, Spain; Marco, Indonesia; Gieselle, Spain; Sebastian, Thailand; Malusi, Russia; Zara, Russia

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