a woman smokes

oil on canvas box 400mm x 300mm Unframed

  • a woman smokes   oil on canvas box 400mm x 300mm Unframed for Home and Office by artist C K Purandare


Besides the Reviews appreciation also comes from:

T Helms, USA; Guillermo,Colombia; Lucy, Hungary; Rose, UK; t-rex, Lithuania; Steve, Belgium; SA, India; Alina, Romani; A Naqwi, USA; BW, Bulgaria; Lucia, Italy; Kat, USA; Enola, Iceland; Swati, India; Susana, Germany; Magda, Poland; Noora, India; Soulena, Germany; Michael, Australia; Kamini, India; Anastasiya, Russia; Selen, Italy; Monica, France; Peter, New Zealand; Cloe, UK; Veronica, USA; Michel, France; Shorina, Russia; Pardi, Iran, Ayushi, India; Sue, S Korea; Dana, Poland; Sterenn B, France; Rossana, Italy; Simone, France; Jeanine, The Netherlands; Maria Rose, Italy

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  • Type: oil on canvas box
  • Size: 400mm x 300mm
  • Frame: Unframed
Social Paintings

Besides the Reviews appreciation also comes from:

T Helms, USA; Guillermo,Colombia; Lucy, Hungary; Rose, UK; t-rex, Lithuania; Steve, Belgium; SA, India; Alina, Romani; A Naqwi, USA; BW, Bulgaria; Lucia, Italy; Kat, USA; Enola, Iceland; Swati, India; Susana, Germany; Magda, Poland; Noora, India; Soulena, Germany; Michael, Australia; Kamini, India; Anastasiya, Russia; Selen, Italy; Monica, France; Peter, New Zealand; Cloe, UK; Veronica, USA; Michel, France; Shorina, Russia; Pardi, Iran, Ayushi, India; Sue, S Korea; Dana, Poland; Sterenn B, France; Rossana, Italy; Simone, France; Jeanine, The Netherlands; Maria Rose, Italy

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