being and nothingness

Acrylic painting on canvas 405mm x 307mm Framed - 750X880

  • being and nothingness  Acrylic painting on canvas 405mm x 307mm Framed - 750X880 for Home and Office by artist C K Purandare

Title comes from Jean Paul Sarte's definitive work on existentialism

Besides the Reviews appreciation also comes from:

Marcel, Poland; C Forsythe, Canada; DJF, UK; BB, Russia; KL, Canada; SY, USA; WD, USA; Irene, France; Roberto, Italy; SA, UK; Sing, Russia; AO, Italy; Rastin, Iran

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  • Type: Acrylic painting on canvas
  • Size: 405mm x 307mm
  • Frame: Framed - 750X880
Portrait Paintings

Besides the Reviews appreciation also comes from:

Marcel, Poland; C Forsythe, Canada; DJF, UK; BB, Russia; KL, Canada; SY, USA; WD, USA; Irene, France; Roberto, Italy; SA, UK; Sing, Russia; AO, Italy; Rastin, Iran

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