
acrylic on hardboard 870 mm X 670 mm Framed

  • burdens  acrylic on hardboard 870 mm X 670 mm   Framed for Home and Office by artist C K Purandare

not only humans have it

Besides the Reviews appreciation also comes from:

Lotus, UK; Vincent N, USA; LA, Mexico; Yohi, Russia; Christin, Germany; Sherie, USA; Irina, Russia; KM, S korea; Jean, France; Valerio, Italy; Marco, Indonesia; Leovi, Germany; Jivo, Russia; Svetlana, Russia; Mariola, Spain; Shirin, Iran; Khatool, Uzbekistan; Elke, Germany; Chen, UK; Beth, USA; Rijal, India; Camila, UK; Klara, Germany; WS, Norway; Srirvastava, India; Leandro, Mexico; Rakesh, India; Privika, Jamaica; Shreya, India; Prada, USA

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  • Type: acrylic on hardboard
  • Size: 870 mm X 670 mm
  • Frame: Framed
Musings Paintings

Besides the Reviews appreciation also comes from:

Lotus, UK; Vincent N, USA; LA, Mexico; Yohi, Russia; Christin, Germany; Sherie, USA; Irina, Russia; KM, S korea; Jean, France; Valerio, Italy; Marco, Indonesia; Leovi, Germany; Jivo, Russia; Svetlana, Russia; Mariola, Spain; Shirin, Iran; Khatool, Uzbekistan; Elke, Germany; Chen, UK; Beth, USA; Rijal, India; Camila, UK; Klara, Germany; WS, Norway; Srirvastava, India; Leandro, Mexico; Rakesh, India; Privika, Jamaica; Shreya, India; Prada, USA

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