
Oil on Box Canvas 305 mm X 255 mm Unframed, Ready to Hang for Sale

  • confidences  Oil on Box Canvas 305 mm X 255 mm Unframed,  Ready to Hang for Sale for Home and Office by artist C K Purandare

There is nothing as confidences.

Besides the Reviews appreciation also comes from:

D Sweeney, USA;Fatima, Bahrain; Aleru Diegao, Paraguay; Mikka Ommelo, Finland; Adriana, Greece; Kay Lee Woods, UK; Keith Spangle, USA; Liso Amagashi, USA; Scott MacMilan, Canada; Val, Australia, Keira, USA; Carlotta, Spain; Megan Joseph, USA; Michelle, USA; Steve Currie; Canada; Amanda, USA; Sara, Italy; Jean Garrett; UK; Marcel Precel, Poland; Braz Dylan, The Netherlands; Pasztor Daniel, Hungary; Ariadna, Spain; Marta, Italy; Michael Zakely, USA; Nicholas Weed, USA; Wenona Williams, USA; Cristie, Spain; Sylvia, USA; Justina, Poland; Daniel Uytterhaeghe, France; Simon H, USA; Ajax, Sweden; Sobras, USA; Betty B, Germany, Mona, Iran: Sherie, USA; BTA, Canada;Tedd, S Africa

Tags: art, oil painting, oil painting on canvas, traditional painting, realistic painting, imaginary painting, surreal painting, contemporary painting, conceptual painting, social painting, subtext to painting, message in painting, narrative in painting, symbolic painting, painting makes a statement, dark painting, darkness in painting, people in painting, men in painting, chatin painting, evening in painting, sea in painting, rock in painting, beer in painting, whispering in painting, suitable foroffice, living room, reception room

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  • Type: Oil on Box Canvas
  • Size: 305 mm X 255 mm
  • Frame: Unframed, Ready to Hang
  • Availability:In Stock
Musings Paintings

  • For More Information / Enquiry Whatsapp: 9370285986

Besides the Reviews appreciation also comes from:

D Sweeney, USA;Fatima, Bahrain; Aleru Diegao, Paraguay; Mikka Ommelo, Finland; Adriana, Greece; Kay Lee Woods, UK; Keith Spangle, USA; Liso Amagashi, USA; Scott MacMilan, Canada; Val, Australia, Keira, USA; Carlotta, Spain; Megan Joseph, USA; Michelle, USA; Steve Currie; Canada; Amanda, USA; Sara, Italy; Jean Garrett; UK; Marcel Precel, Poland; Braz Dylan, The Netherlands; Pasztor Daniel, Hungary; Ariadna, Spain; Marta, Italy; Michael Zakely, USA; Nicholas Weed, USA; Wenona Williams, USA; Cristie, Spain; Sylvia, USA; Justina, Poland; Daniel Uytterhaeghe, France; Simon H, USA; Ajax, Sweden; Sobras, USA; Betty B, Germany, Mona, Iran: Sherie, USA; BTA, Canada;Tedd, S Africa

Tags: art, oil painting, oil painting on canvas, traditional painting, realistic painting, imaginary painting, surreal painting, contemporary painting, conceptual painting, social painting, subtext to painting, message in painting, narrative in painting, symbolic painting, painting makes a statement, dark painting, darkness in painting, people in painting, men in painting, chatin painting, evening in painting, sea in painting, rock in painting, beer in painting, whispering in painting, suitable foroffice, living room, reception room

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