copper trees in dark

Oil on oil Paper 400 mm X 300 mm Unframed

  • copper trees in dark  Oil on oil Paper 400 mm X 300 mm Unframed for Home and Office by artist C K Purandare


Besides the Reviews appreciation also comes from:

Dana Sherie, Poland; Dennis, New Zealand; Lydia, Czech Republic; Mariola, Spain; Tabitha, UK; Samy, USA; Dariana, Poland; Alberto, Italy; Menakapriya, India; Cesare, France; Ksheniya, Russia; Oxana, Romania; Daniel, UK; Ti, USA; Cerulea, S Korea; Gata, Poland; Raoul, Mexico; Yazeh, Israel; Kim, S Korea; Ven, Austria; FP, Ireland; Eris, Poland; Ann, Malaysia; DJH, USA; YK, India; Liv, Sweden; Jessica, USA; Kyler, Canada; Sherie, USA; Candice, Ireland; Swati, India; Shorina, Russia; Keavy, New Zealand; Valerio, Italy; Sterenn B, France; Soulena, Germany; Yvonne, France; Johanna, Austria; Anna, Russia; Minoo, Iran; Caprice, France; Elke, Germany; Ryana, Mexico; Rossana, Italy; Freya, France; Sing, Russia; Yazeh, Israel ; Gohman, Poland; Nihi, Germany; Rastin, Iran

Tags: copper trees in dark painting by CK Purandare

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  • Type: Oil on oil Paper
  • Size: 400 mm X 300 mm
  • Frame: Unframed
Musings Paintings

Besides the Reviews appreciation also comes from:

Dana Sherie, Poland; Dennis, New Zealand; Lydia, Czech Republic; Mariola, Spain; Tabitha, UK; Samy, USA; Dariana, Poland; Alberto, Italy; Menakapriya, India; Cesare, France; Ksheniya, Russia; Oxana, Romania; Daniel, UK; Ti, USA; Cerulea, S Korea; Gata, Poland; Raoul, Mexico; Yazeh, Israel; Kim, S Korea; Ven, Austria; FP, Ireland; Eris, Poland; Ann, Malaysia; DJH, USA; YK, India; Liv, Sweden; Jessica, USA; Kyler, Canada; Sherie, USA; Candice, Ireland; Swati, India; Shorina, Russia; Keavy, New Zealand; Valerio, Italy; Sterenn B, France; Soulena, Germany; Yvonne, France; Johanna, Austria; Anna, Russia; Minoo, Iran; Caprice, France; Elke, Germany; Ryana, Mexico; Rossana, Italy; Freya, France; Sing, Russia; Yazeh, Israel ; Gohman, Poland; Nihi, Germany; Rastin, Iran

Tags: copper trees in dark painting by CK Purandare

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