
oil on box canvas 305mm x 305mm Unframed, Ready to Hang

  • transience  oil on box canvas 305mm x 305mm Unframed, Ready to Hang for Home and Office by artist C K Purandare

This painting is on loan to Modern College of Engineering, Pune, India

Besides the Reviews appreciation also comes from:

Arielle, USA; Kayla, USA; Duhita Das, India; Skye, USA; WG, USA; BB, USA; Liviu Gherman, Romania; Adam, UK; Ercan Turksoy, France; Sue, Australia; Chelsea Michelle, Spain; Katie, USA; Lena Ramon, Germany; Gio, Georgia; Roxy Elle, Romania; Marta Raff, Italy; Elke A, Germany; Anna D, Russia; Dana Sherie, Germany; Lotus, UK; Noushfarin, Iran; Rossana; Italy; Anna D, Russia; Tista, India; Susana, Germany; Kazunari, Japan; Khatool, Uzbekistan; GP, India; Susanna K, Germany; Sebastian, France; GF, USA; Noora, Egypt; Bijay, India; Valerio, Italy; Shorina, Russia; Swati, India; Johanna, Austria; Coline, France; Jared, USA, Verma, India; H Singh, India; Khudoliya, Russia; Chen, UK; Rijal, Lebanon; Jeanine, The Netherlands; CSAB, Portugal

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  • Type: oil on box canvas
  • Size: 305mm x 305mm
  • Frame: Unframed, Ready to Hang
Musings Paintings

Besides the Reviews appreciation also comes from:

Arielle, USA; Kayla, USA; Duhita Das, India; Skye, USA; WG, USA; BB, USA; Liviu Gherman, Romania; Adam, UK; Ercan Turksoy, France; Sue, Australia; Chelsea Michelle, Spain; Katie, USA; Lena Ramon, Germany; Gio, Georgia; Roxy Elle, Romania; Marta Raff, Italy; Elke A, Germany; Anna D, Russia; Dana Sherie, Germany; Lotus, UK; Noushfarin, Iran; Rossana; Italy; Anna D, Russia; Tista, India; Susana, Germany; Kazunari, Japan; Khatool, Uzbekistan; GP, India; Susanna K, Germany; Sebastian, France; GF, USA; Noora, Egypt; Bijay, India; Valerio, Italy; Shorina, Russia; Swati, India; Johanna, Austria; Coline, France; Jared, USA, Verma, India; H Singh, India; Khudoliya, Russia; Chen, UK; Rijal, Lebanon; Jeanine, The Netherlands; CSAB, Portugal

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