
oil on [box] canvas, ready to hang 510mm X 205mm Unframed

  • decisions  oil on [box] canvas, ready to hang 510mm X 205mm Unframed for Home and Office by artist C K Purandare

Besides the Reviews appreciation also comes from:

Aung Lin, Myanmar; Waelter, Germany; Renee, France; Luna, Canada; Fay, USA; Martha, Germany; Luke, UK; Betsy, UK; Stacey, Canada; Deniz Turkey; Liviu Gherman, Romania; Lucia, Argentina; Jessica Giles, USA; Aimee, Canada; Ari, USA; Paula, USA; Roxy Elle, Romania; Dana Orkide, Sweden; Zarina, Iceland; Ase Utforske, Norway; Marina, Russia; Diane, USA; Khatool, Uzbekistan; Lotus, UK; Kazunari, Japan; Valerio, Italy; Swati, India; Anna, Russia; Va, Canada; Rivea, France; Rossana, Italy; Alejandro, Serbia; Susana, Germany; Rose, USA; Aaron, Ireland; Bryan, UK; Chen, UK; Aurelia, France; Maria, USA; Anil, India, Dana, Germany; Wadiya, India; Sonja, Czech Republic; Elke N, Germany; Shirin, Iran; Rossana, Italy; Ayrus, india; Rijal, Lebanon; Ramon, Spain; Elsa, Brazil; Sherie, USA; Lotus, Bulgaria; Nina, Spain; Swasti, India; Valrio, Italy; Trixi, USA; Thomas, UK; Priyanka, India; Aurelia, France; Meera, Italy; Kazunari, Japan; Megha, India; Sapphire, Canada; Heena, India; Jehan, Iran; BTA, USA; Kristine, Italy; Idelma, Brazil; Krish, India; Vincent, France; Sunita, India; Miky, USA; Lenay, Ireland; Janine, Portugal; Ayushi, India; Yannick, Czech Republic

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  • Type: oil on [box] canvas, ready to hang
  • Size: 510mm X 205mm
  • Frame: Unframed
Musings Paintings

Besides the Reviews appreciation also comes from:

Aung Lin, Myanmar; Waelter, Germany; Renee, France; Luna, Canada; Fay, USA; Martha, Germany; Luke, UK; Betsy, UK; Stacey, Canada; Deniz Turkey; Liviu Gherman, Romania; Lucia, Argentina; Jessica Giles, USA; Aimee, Canada; Ari, USA; Paula, USA; Roxy Elle, Romania; Dana Orkide, Sweden; Zarina, Iceland; Ase Utforske, Norway; Marina, Russia; Diane, USA; Khatool, Uzbekistan; Lotus, UK; Kazunari, Japan; Valerio, Italy; Swati, India; Anna, Russia; Va, Canada; Rivea, France; Rossana, Italy; Alejandro, Serbia; Susana, Germany; Rose, USA; Aaron, Ireland; Bryan, UK; Chen, UK; Aurelia, France; Maria, USA; Anil, India, Dana, Germany; Wadiya, India; Sonja, Czech Republic; Elke N, Germany; Shirin, Iran; Rossana, Italy; Ayrus, india; Rijal, Lebanon; Ramon, Spain; Elsa, Brazil; Sherie, USA; Lotus, Bulgaria; Nina, Spain; Swasti, India; Valrio, Italy; Trixi, USA; Thomas, UK; Priyanka, India; Aurelia, France; Meera, Italy; Kazunari, Japan; Megha, India; Sapphire, Canada; Heena, India; Jehan, Iran; BTA, USA; Kristine, Italy; Idelma, Brazil; Krish, India; Vincent, France; Sunita, India; Miky, USA; Lenay, Ireland; Janine, Portugal; Ayushi, India; Yannick, Czech Republic

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