
Oil on Canvas 400 mm X 300 mm ( Frame Size 480 mm X 370 mm) Framed with Non-reflective Glass for Sale

  • family  Oil on Canvas 400 mm X 300 mm ( Frame Size 480 mm X 370 mm) Framed with Non-reflective Glass for Sale for Home and Office by artist C K Purandare

Family has always been so – a patriarch, favorites and a pariah. oil painting on canvas

Besides the Reviews appreciation also comes from:

L Grievera, Indonesia; Ecnelis terger, Malyasia; Waelter, Germany; Steve, USA; Nina, USA; Jenna, USA; Miliana, Canada; Vik, USA; Jody, UK; Sarah Jane, USA; Kayla, Mexico; Solidad, Spain; Kishore, India; Ursula, New Zealand; Sara, Italy; Michelle, USA; Alessandra, UK; Mai, Thailand; Richard Carnrike, USA; Kelly Jenkins, USA; Nicole, Chile; Chelsea, Canada; Carmichael, UK; Jaimie, Ireland; Fiona, USA; Jenny Duncan, UK; Maura, Hungary; Adriana, USA; Deveerai Respondo, The Philippines; Tonali Glez R, Mexico; Katerina, USA; Deniz Demirkurt, Turkey; Shane, USA; Tammy, Canada; Mega, Indonesia; Keagan Mendler, USA; Denise Blaze, USA; Rhonda, Germany; Emily Paige, USA; Stacey, Canada; Paula, UK; Nicholas Weed, USA; Gerald Bryce, UK; Rais, Turkey; Barbara, Poland; Katy, Russia; Shirin, Iran; Khudiliya A, Russia; Enola, Iceland; Athena, Germany

Tags: art, oil painting on canvas, traditional painting, conceptual painting, philosophical painting, surreal painting, fantasy painting, painting shows family, painting shows apes, painting shows monkeys, painting shows exotic fruit, painting shows trees, cactus in painting, imaginary forest in painting, sky in painting

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  • Type: Oil on Canvas
  • Size: 400 mm X 300 mm ( Frame Size 480 mm X 370 mm)
  • Frame: Framed with Non-reflective Glass
  • Availability:In Stock
Allegory Paintings

  • For More Information / Enquiry Whatsapp: 9370285986

Besides the Reviews appreciation also comes from:

L Grievera, Indonesia; Ecnelis terger, Malyasia; Waelter, Germany; Steve, USA; Nina, USA; Jenna, USA; Miliana, Canada; Vik, USA; Jody, UK; Sarah Jane, USA; Kayla, Mexico; Solidad, Spain; Kishore, India; Ursula, New Zealand; Sara, Italy; Michelle, USA; Alessandra, UK; Mai, Thailand; Richard Carnrike, USA; Kelly Jenkins, USA; Nicole, Chile; Chelsea, Canada; Carmichael, UK; Jaimie, Ireland; Fiona, USA; Jenny Duncan, UK; Maura, Hungary; Adriana, USA; Deveerai Respondo, The Philippines; Tonali Glez R, Mexico; Katerina, USA; Deniz Demirkurt, Turkey; Shane, USA; Tammy, Canada; Mega, Indonesia; Keagan Mendler, USA; Denise Blaze, USA; Rhonda, Germany; Emily Paige, USA; Stacey, Canada; Paula, UK; Nicholas Weed, USA; Gerald Bryce, UK; Rais, Turkey; Barbara, Poland; Katy, Russia; Shirin, Iran; Khudiliya A, Russia; Enola, Iceland; Athena, Germany

Tags: art, oil painting on canvas, traditional painting, conceptual painting, philosophical painting, surreal painting, fantasy painting, painting shows family, painting shows apes, painting shows monkeys, painting shows exotic fruit, painting shows trees, cactus in painting, imaginary forest in painting, sky in painting

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