Most of the Enemies Dwell only in the Mind

acrylic on hardboard 1290 mm X 680 mm framed, 45mm pine moulding painted blue with streaks of white

  • Most of the Enemies Dwell only in the Mind  acrylic on hardboard 1290 mm X 680 mm framed, 45mm pine moulding painted blue with streaks of white for Home and Office by artist C K Purandare

based on the Don Quixote story who thought windmills were the enemies

Besides the Reviews appreciation also comes from:

Ida, USA; Lemmy, Finland, Sara, Italy; Lotus, UK; Valerio, Italy; Shorina, Russia; Noushafarin, Iran; Khatool, Afghanistan; Chen, UK; Rossana, Italy; Swati, India; Susana, Germany; Kazunari, Japan; Noora, Egypt; Payal, India; Chiara, UK; Coline, France; Lena, Sweden; Ruby, USA; Maria Susana, France; Harshit, India; Ramon, Spain; Tia, Italy; Elke A, Germany; Rossana, Italy; Alpha, USA; Bijay, India; Bebe, Turkiye; Michel, France; Brian, Mexico; Chiara, Ireland; Antonio, Italy; Bebe, Turkiye; WS, S Korea; Youp, France; Mariola, Spain, Dana Sherie, Germany; Rijal, Lebanon

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  • Type: acrylic on hardboard
  • Size: 1290 mm X 680 mm
  • Frame: framed, 45mm pine moulding painted blue with streaks of white
Allegory Paintings

Besides the Reviews appreciation also comes from:

Ida, USA; Lemmy, Finland, Sara, Italy; Lotus, UK; Valerio, Italy; Shorina, Russia; Noushafarin, Iran; Khatool, Afghanistan; Chen, UK; Rossana, Italy; Swati, India; Susana, Germany; Kazunari, Japan; Noora, Egypt; Payal, India; Chiara, UK; Coline, France; Lena, Sweden; Ruby, USA; Maria Susana, France; Harshit, India; Ramon, Spain; Tia, Italy; Elke A, Germany; Rossana, Italy; Alpha, USA; Bijay, India; Bebe, Turkiye; Michel, France; Brian, Mexico; Chiara, Ireland; Antonio, Italy; Bebe, Turkiye; WS, S Korea; Youp, France; Mariola, Spain, Dana Sherie, Germany; Rijal, Lebanon

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