Most of the Enemies Dwell only in the Mind
acrylic on hardboard 1290 mm X 680 mm framed, 45mm pine moulding painted blue with streaks of white
based on the Don Quixote story who thought windmills were the enemies
Besides the Reviews appreciation also comes from:
Ida, USA; Lemmy, Finland, Sara, Italy; Lotus, UK; Valerio, Italy; Shorina, Russia; Noushafarin, Iran; Khatool, Afghanistan; Chen, UK; Rossana, Italy; Swati, India; Susana, Germany; Kazunari, Japan; Noora, Egypt; Payal, India; Chiara, UK; Coline, France; Lena, Sweden; Ruby, USA; Maria Susana, France; Harshit, India; Ramon, Spain; Tia, Italy; Elke A, Germany; Rossana, Italy; Alpha, USA; Bijay, India; Bebe, Turkiye; Michel, France; Brian, Mexico; Chiara, Ireland; Antonio, Italy; Bebe, Turkiye; WS, S Korea; Youp, France; Mariola, Spain, Dana Sherie, Germany; Rijal, Lebanon
Ida, USA; Lemmy, Finland, Sara, Italy; Lotus, UK; Valerio, Italy; Shorina, Russia; Noushafarin, Iran; Khatool, Afghanistan; Chen, UK; Rossana, Italy; Swati, India; Susana, Germany; Kazunari, Japan; Noora, Egypt; Payal, India; Chiara, UK; Coline, France; Lena, Sweden; Ruby, USA; Maria Susana, France; Harshit, India; Ramon, Spain; Tia, Italy; Elke A, Germany; Rossana, Italy; Alpha, USA; Bijay, India; Bebe, Turkiye; Michel, France; Brian, Mexico; Chiara, Ireland; Antonio, Italy; Bebe, Turkiye; WS, S Korea; Youp, France; Mariola, Spain, Dana Sherie, Germany; Rijal, Lebanon
- Type: acrylic on hardboard
- Size: 1290 mm X 680 mm
- Frame: framed, 45mm pine moulding painted blue with streaks of white
Allegory Paintings
Besides the Reviews appreciation also comes from:
Ida, USA; Lemmy, Finland, Sara, Italy; Lotus, UK; Valerio, Italy; Shorina, Russia; Noushafarin, Iran; Khatool, Afghanistan; Chen, UK; Rossana, Italy; Swati, India; Susana, Germany; Kazunari, Japan; Noora, Egypt; Payal, India; Chiara, UK; Coline, France; Lena, Sweden; Ruby, USA; Maria Susana, France; Harshit, India; Ramon, Spain; Tia, Italy; Elke A, Germany; Rossana, Italy; Alpha, USA; Bijay, India; Bebe, Turkiye; Michel, France; Brian, Mexico; Chiara, Ireland; Antonio, Italy; Bebe, Turkiye; WS, S Korea; Youp, France; Mariola, Spain, Dana Sherie, Germany; Rijal, Lebanon
Ida, USA; Lemmy, Finland, Sara, Italy; Lotus, UK; Valerio, Italy; Shorina, Russia; Noushafarin, Iran; Khatool, Afghanistan; Chen, UK; Rossana, Italy; Swati, India; Susana, Germany; Kazunari, Japan; Noora, Egypt; Payal, India; Chiara, UK; Coline, France; Lena, Sweden; Ruby, USA; Maria Susana, France; Harshit, India; Ramon, Spain; Tia, Italy; Elke A, Germany; Rossana, Italy; Alpha, USA; Bijay, India; Bebe, Turkiye; Michel, France; Brian, Mexico; Chiara, Ireland; Antonio, Italy; Bebe, Turkiye; WS, S Korea; Youp, France; Mariola, Spain, Dana Sherie, Germany; Rijal, Lebanon
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