
Oil on Box Canvas 605 mm X 605 mm Unframed, Ready to Hang

  • foundations  Oil on Box Canvas 605 mm X 605 mm Unframed,  Ready to Hang for Home and Office by artist C K Purandare

Britain celebrated the 200th anniversary of the Slave Trade Abolition Treaty on 25th March 2007.Sub-text being - 'all that was so long ago, we have moved on'.

Actually, Slave Trade very much continues even today, though not that blatantly.'Boat-people' from Africa keep on arriving on the shores of Italy and Spain, are treated as sub-human.In fact, they are punished instead of looking behind and correct the malady why they leave their countries and come to europe.

The International Labour Organisation estimates that there are at least 360,000 people living in slavery in industrialised countries. Two-thirds have been coerced into forced labour by people-traffickers in a worldwide industry worth at least $32bn a year. This is plainly big business.

For example in the UK alone,

Chinese labour packed in ventialtion-less cargo truck from France to Dover were found dead on arrival in 2000.

Cockle-picker chinese were swept off Morecambe Bay in 2004.In the absence of any safety measures usually accorded to british workers.

Also the flesh-trade of young girls from east european countries is slave trade.


[The bridge, by the way, is Firth Road Bridge, near Edinburgh, a pride of Scotland.]

Besides the Reviews appreciation also comes from:

AG, USA; Skye, USA; Gerhard, Germany; Alan, UK, Jodi, Canada; Skye, USA; LiviuGherman, Romania; Tamara Blue; UK; Leigh Johnson, USA; Kaya Olsen, Denmark; Kristie, USA; Riley Rilke, Germany; Lotus, Russia; Michael, Australia; Sherie, USA; Noora, Egypt; Valerio, Italy; Bijay, India; Rossana, Italy; Susana, Germany; Shorina, Russia; Ronit, India; Vladimir, Russia; Mary, USA; Selen, Italy; Swati, India; Kata, Russia; Elke N, Germany, Dana, Poland; Kamini, India; Anastasiya, Russia; Wiebke, Germany; Mohini, India; Khatool, Uzbekistan; Swasti, India; Cesare, France; Suasana, Germany; Magda, Poland; Soulena, Germany; Carouna, France

Tags: art, oil painting, oil painting on canvas, traditional painting, conceptual painting, realistic painting, symbolic painting, narrative in painting, subtext to painting, message in painting, topical painting, social painting, political painting, contemporary painting, painting makes a statement, dark painting, slaves in painting, slavery in painting, suspension bridge in painting, sea in painting, boats in painting, boats carrying people in painting, migrants in painting, Italy, Spain, Dover, Morecambe Bay, Chinese in painting

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  • Type: Oil on Box Canvas
  • Size: 605 mm X 605 mm
  • Frame: Unframed, Ready to Hang
Social Paintings

Besides the Reviews appreciation also comes from:

AG, USA; Skye, USA; Gerhard, Germany; Alan, UK, Jodi, Canada; Skye, USA; LiviuGherman, Romania; Tamara Blue; UK; Leigh Johnson, USA; Kaya Olsen, Denmark; Kristie, USA; Riley Rilke, Germany; Lotus, Russia; Michael, Australia; Sherie, USA; Noora, Egypt; Valerio, Italy; Bijay, India; Rossana, Italy; Susana, Germany; Shorina, Russia; Ronit, India; Vladimir, Russia; Mary, USA; Selen, Italy; Swati, India; Kata, Russia; Elke N, Germany, Dana, Poland; Kamini, India; Anastasiya, Russia; Wiebke, Germany; Mohini, India; Khatool, Uzbekistan; Swasti, India; Cesare, France; Suasana, Germany; Magda, Poland; Soulena, Germany; Carouna, France

Tags: art, oil painting, oil painting on canvas, traditional painting, conceptual painting, realistic painting, symbolic painting, narrative in painting, subtext to painting, message in painting, topical painting, social painting, political painting, contemporary painting, painting makes a statement, dark painting, slaves in painting, slavery in painting, suspension bridge in painting, sea in painting, boats in painting, boats carrying people in painting, migrants in painting, Italy, Spain, Dover, Morecambe Bay, Chinese in painting

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