mirror, mirror on the wall

oil painting on box canvas [ready to hang] 407mm X 305mm Unframed

  • mirror, mirror on the wall  oil painting on box canvas [ready to hang] 407mm X 305mm Unframed for Home and Office by artist C K Purandare

Extremists of any religion are equally lethal. Shown here are judaism, islam and christianity

This image has been used by the National Alliance of People's Movement's Magazine, India for the cover page of their issue -
September 07

Besides the Reviews appreciation also comes from:

Johny Otilano, The Philippines; Alan, UK; Jey, USA; Kayla, Canada; Patricia Canonero, The Philippines; Robert F, USA; Anas B, Syria; Ahmed, Egypt; Bilkis, Turkey; Carlos Latuff, Brazil; Sarah, Argntina; Masouma, Kuwait; Sigied Himawan Yudhanto, Indonesia; Robert F, New Zealand; Charlene, USA; Elke, Germany; Anastasiya, Russia; Valerio, Italy; Bijay, India; Michael, Australia; Soulena, Germany; Swati, India; Sherie, USA; Cesare, France; Kat, Canada; Noora, Egypt; Wiebke, Germany; Kamini, India; Khatool, Uzbekistan; Albert, Australia; Paola, Peru; Selen, Italy; Chloet, USA; Rossana, Italy; Sterenn B, France; Kaya, Iran; Zara, Russia

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  • Type: oil painting on box canvas [ready to hang]
  • Size: 407mm X 305mm
  • Frame: Unframed
Social Paintings

Besides the Reviews appreciation also comes from:

Johny Otilano, The Philippines; Alan, UK; Jey, USA; Kayla, Canada; Patricia Canonero, The Philippines; Robert F, USA; Anas B, Syria; Ahmed, Egypt; Bilkis, Turkey; Carlos Latuff, Brazil; Sarah, Argntina; Masouma, Kuwait; Sigied Himawan Yudhanto, Indonesia; Robert F, New Zealand; Charlene, USA; Elke, Germany; Anastasiya, Russia; Valerio, Italy; Bijay, India; Michael, Australia; Soulena, Germany; Swati, India; Sherie, USA; Cesare, France; Kat, Canada; Noora, Egypt; Wiebke, Germany; Kamini, India; Khatool, Uzbekistan; Albert, Australia; Paola, Peru; Selen, Italy; Chloet, USA; Rossana, Italy; Sterenn B, France; Kaya, Iran; Zara, Russia

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