
oil on oil paper 350 mm X 265 mm Unframed

  • nationalism  oil on oil paper 350 mm X 265 mm Unframed for Home and Office by artist C K Purandare

Someone sings [probably what is known as - an anthem!], someone salutes, rest of us stand in attention - we the people call it nationalism

Besides the Reviews appreciation also comes from:

Vara, Russia; Raul, Mexico; Daniel, UK; Pedro, Mexico; Kathy, Germany; Lotus, UK; Sherie, USA; Chen, UK; Shorina, Russia; Noushafarin, Iran; Khatool, Uzbekistan; Valerio M, Italy; Swati, India; Susana,Germany; Noora, Egypt; AL, India; Meera, UK; Bijay, India; Praise, USA; Payal, India; Jamie, UK; Michel, France; Mrunalini, India; Shawn, USA; Wayne, Mexico; Leo, USA; Alpha, USA; Jeanine, The Netherlands; Rossana, Italy; Yoko, Japan; Simona, Italy; BR, Finland; Kik, Poland; Mifflin, UK; Rijal, India; Enola, Iceland; Jijin, Japan; Mensyur, Indonesia

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  • Type: oil on oil paper
  • Size: 350 mm X 265 mm
  • Frame: Unframed
Political Paintings

Besides the Reviews appreciation also comes from:

Vara, Russia; Raul, Mexico; Daniel, UK; Pedro, Mexico; Kathy, Germany; Lotus, UK; Sherie, USA; Chen, UK; Shorina, Russia; Noushafarin, Iran; Khatool, Uzbekistan; Valerio M, Italy; Swati, India; Susana,Germany; Noora, Egypt; AL, India; Meera, UK; Bijay, India; Praise, USA; Payal, India; Jamie, UK; Michel, France; Mrunalini, India; Shawn, USA; Wayne, Mexico; Leo, USA; Alpha, USA; Jeanine, The Netherlands; Rossana, Italy; Yoko, Japan; Simona, Italy; BR, Finland; Kik, Poland; Mifflin, UK; Rijal, India; Enola, Iceland; Jijin, Japan; Mensyur, Indonesia

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