needs, not wants

Oil on Box Canvas 455mm x 355mm Unframed

  • needs, not wants  Oil on Box Canvas 455mm x 355mm Unframed for Home and Office by artist C K Purandare


Besides the Reviews appreciation also comes from:

Yasmin, Malaysia, Julia Aurea, Brazil; CC, USA; Paris, UK; Sanguina Blodwyn, Australia; Kellie M, Mexico; Tamara S, Canada; Beverley V, USA; Kevin V, USA; Luna, Mexico; KS, UK; Liviu Gherman, Romania; Charles N, Canada; Batorr, Serbia; Hannah, USA; Stoya, Romania; Kathleen Thompson, USA; Kaola, Tahiti – French Polynesia; Janik, Belgium; Knut, South Africa; Jane, UK; HKF, Korea; Mona, Iran, Sherie, USA, BTA, Canada, JHT, Bahrain; Angela, France; Yagmur, Turkiye; Vipin, India; Rodrigo, Colombis; Subho, India; Luba, Russia; Amir, Iran; Cinzia, Italy; Chria, USA; Satista, Russia; Aurelia, France; Paula, UK; Sarah, Brazil; Anna, Poland; Marie, UK; Todd, Ireland

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  • Type: Oil on Box Canvas
  • Size: 455mm x 355mm
  • Frame: Unframed
Social Paintings

Besides the Reviews appreciation also comes from:

Yasmin, Malaysia, Julia Aurea, Brazil; CC, USA; Paris, UK; Sanguina Blodwyn, Australia; Kellie M, Mexico; Tamara S, Canada; Beverley V, USA; Kevin V, USA; Luna, Mexico; KS, UK; Liviu Gherman, Romania; Charles N, Canada; Batorr, Serbia; Hannah, USA; Stoya, Romania; Kathleen Thompson, USA; Kaola, Tahiti – French Polynesia; Janik, Belgium; Knut, South Africa; Jane, UK; HKF, Korea; Mona, Iran, Sherie, USA, BTA, Canada, JHT, Bahrain; Angela, France; Yagmur, Turkiye; Vipin, India; Rodrigo, Colombis; Subho, India; Luba, Russia; Amir, Iran; Cinzia, Italy; Chria, USA; Satista, Russia; Aurelia, France; Paula, UK; Sarah, Brazil; Anna, Poland; Marie, UK; Todd, Ireland

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