one way ticket

Oil on Box Canvas 405mm X 505mm Unframed

  • one way ticket  Oil on Box Canvas 405mm X 505mm Unframed for Home and Office by artist C K Purandare

Besides the Reviews appreciation also comes from:

Michelle, The Nertherlands; Lilly, UK; Kristie, USA; Meral Sarioglu, Turkey; Marta, Italy; Sherissa, USA; Misha Rooney, Canada; Dave, USA; UC, India; Dewey Morris, USA; Luna C, Canada; Carolyn YM, USA; Rachelle Laundry, Canada; David Champ, USA; Fiona, USA; William Best, Ireland; Justina, Poland; Carlie M, UK; Astrid Nielsch, New Zealand; Anita Dunkl, Austria; Wibke, Germany; Anna, Czech Republic; Gerald Pierce, UK; Jiratchaya Bumroongwuth, Thailand; Husar, Chile; Mo, The Philippines; Tara Gold, USA; Mini, UK; Katy, Russia; Andrew, USA; T Desie, Russia; Mike Gamble, USA; Zarina, Iceland; SNL, USA; Lech, Poland; Rob O, USA; Wesley M, USA; Al, USA; Dirk, Belgium: Steph, Belgium; Regina, Hungary; EW, Germany

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  • Type: Oil on Box Canvas
  • Size: 405mm X 505mm
  • Frame: Unframed
Musings Paintings

Besides the Reviews appreciation also comes from:

Michelle, The Nertherlands; Lilly, UK; Kristie, USA; Meral Sarioglu, Turkey; Marta, Italy; Sherissa, USA; Misha Rooney, Canada; Dave, USA; UC, India; Dewey Morris, USA; Luna C, Canada; Carolyn YM, USA; Rachelle Laundry, Canada; David Champ, USA; Fiona, USA; William Best, Ireland; Justina, Poland; Carlie M, UK; Astrid Nielsch, New Zealand; Anita Dunkl, Austria; Wibke, Germany; Anna, Czech Republic; Gerald Pierce, UK; Jiratchaya Bumroongwuth, Thailand; Husar, Chile; Mo, The Philippines; Tara Gold, USA; Mini, UK; Katy, Russia; Andrew, USA; T Desie, Russia; Mike Gamble, USA; Zarina, Iceland; SNL, USA; Lech, Poland; Rob O, USA; Wesley M, USA; Al, USA; Dirk, Belgium: Steph, Belgium; Regina, Hungary; EW, Germany

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