people out there

Oil on Canvas 455 mm X 355 mm (Framed size 520 mm X 430 mm) Framed with Non-reflective Glass for Sale

  • people out there  Oil on Canvas 455 mm X 355 mm (Framed size 520 mm X 430 mm) Framed with Non-reflective Glass for Sale for Home and Office by artist C K Purandare

A universal social phenomenon. Some are excluded from the mainstream.  Note  the guy looking wistfully at the mainstream and perhaps wanting to join them. And the mainstream is of freakish people.

Besides the Reviews appreciation also comes from:

Neja Helal, Saudi Arabia; MN, Lithuania; Marcel Precel, Poland; AVM, USA; DM, UK; Frau K, Germany; JW Bryner, USA; James Schroeder, USA; Veronica, Poland; Skye, USA; Lucila, Argentina; Waelter, Germany; Pasztor Daniel, Hungary; WenonaWilliams, USA; Deia Al Ruzaiqi, Oman; HKF, S Korea; Mike, Canada; Lucia, Italy; Mona, Iran, Gillian, USA, BTA, Canada; Sherie, USA; Enola, Iceland

Tags: people out there canvas painting, art, oil painting, oil painting on canvas, traditional painting, conceptual painting, realistic painting, symbolic painting, surreal painting, narrative in painting, subtext to painting, message in painting, social painting, political painting, contemporary painting, painting makes a statement, people in painting, fences in painting, mainstream in painting, minorities in painting, marginalized in painting, exclusion in painting, periphery in painting, outcastes in painting, neglected in painting by Artist C K Purandare, India, UK

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  • Type: Oil on Canvas
  • Size: 455 mm X 355 mm (Framed size 520 mm X 430 mm)
  • Frame: Framed with Non-reflective Glass
  • Availability:In Stock
Contemporary Paintings

  • For More Information / Enquiry Whatsapp: 9370285986

Besides the Reviews appreciation also comes from:

Neja Helal, Saudi Arabia; MN, Lithuania; Marcel Precel, Poland; AVM, USA; DM, UK; Frau K, Germany; JW Bryner, USA; James Schroeder, USA; Veronica, Poland; Skye, USA; Lucila, Argentina; Waelter, Germany; Pasztor Daniel, Hungary; WenonaWilliams, USA; Deia Al Ruzaiqi, Oman; HKF, S Korea; Mike, Canada; Lucia, Italy; Mona, Iran, Gillian, USA, BTA, Canada; Sherie, USA; Enola, Iceland

Tags: people out there canvas painting, art, oil painting, oil painting on canvas, traditional painting, conceptual painting, realistic painting, symbolic painting, surreal painting, narrative in painting, subtext to painting, message in painting, social painting, political painting, contemporary painting, painting makes a statement, people in painting, fences in painting, mainstream in painting, minorities in painting, marginalized in painting, exclusion in painting, periphery in painting, outcastes in painting, neglected in painting by Artist C K Purandare, India, UK

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