
oil on canvas 250mm x 350mm Unframed

  • solidarity  oil on canvas 250mm x 350mm Unframed for Home and Office by artist C K Purandare

This painting is on loan to Department of Media and Communication Studies, Savitribai Phule Pune University, India

Besides the Reviews appreciation also comes from:

Mikka Ommelo, Finland; Haley Barnes, USA; Stephen Huczek, USA; Kirsten, Canada; Jessica, UK; Scott McMillan, Canada; Kate, USA; Sarah, UK; Allie Reynolds, USA; Steve, USA; Marius, Canada; Ashley, USA; Michelle, USA; Neyelli, Mexico; Keira Jane, USA; Tara, Ireland; Skye, USA; Tina Michelle, Germany; Miguel, Puerto Rico; Friedrich, Austria; Fiona, USA; Ioana, Romania; Deniz, Turkey; Inge, Germany; Brynn Lisp, Canada; Jhonna Rica Babista, The Philippines; Johny Blaze, Ukraine; Enver, Turkey; Adele, UK; Peter Hoff, USA; James Fuerzo, USA; Yannos Gatopoulos, Greece; Gia, USA; Szntrad, Hungary; Lena Ramon, Germany; Gio, Georgia; Julia Wilkins, UK; Ada, Poland; Rachelle Laundry, Canada; Ramon, Spain; Sherie, USA; Chen, UK; Noushafarin, Iran; Valerio, Italy; Anna D, Russia; Rossana, Italy; Shorina, Russia; Susana, Germany; Kazunari, Japa. Valencia, Italy; Swati, India; Sabo, Germany; Noora, Egypt; Khatool, Uzbekistan; Rana, Italy; Xiao, China; Jorge, France; Jo, Canada; Susana, Spain; Moleali, USA; Festane, Australia; JA, New Zealand; Charan, India; Shabsoug, Greece; Alissa, Italy; Mod, USA; Enola, Iceland; Khudoliya, Russia; Rijal, Lebanon; Enrico, Spain

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  • Type: oil on canvas
  • Size: 250mm x 350mm
  • Frame: Unframed
Musings Paintings

Besides the Reviews appreciation also comes from:

Mikka Ommelo, Finland; Haley Barnes, USA; Stephen Huczek, USA; Kirsten, Canada; Jessica, UK; Scott McMillan, Canada; Kate, USA; Sarah, UK; Allie Reynolds, USA; Steve, USA; Marius, Canada; Ashley, USA; Michelle, USA; Neyelli, Mexico; Keira Jane, USA; Tara, Ireland; Skye, USA; Tina Michelle, Germany; Miguel, Puerto Rico; Friedrich, Austria; Fiona, USA; Ioana, Romania; Deniz, Turkey; Inge, Germany; Brynn Lisp, Canada; Jhonna Rica Babista, The Philippines; Johny Blaze, Ukraine; Enver, Turkey; Adele, UK; Peter Hoff, USA; James Fuerzo, USA; Yannos Gatopoulos, Greece; Gia, USA; Szntrad, Hungary; Lena Ramon, Germany; Gio, Georgia; Julia Wilkins, UK; Ada, Poland; Rachelle Laundry, Canada; Ramon, Spain; Sherie, USA; Chen, UK; Noushafarin, Iran; Valerio, Italy; Anna D, Russia; Rossana, Italy; Shorina, Russia; Susana, Germany; Kazunari, Japa. Valencia, Italy; Swati, India; Sabo, Germany; Noora, Egypt; Khatool, Uzbekistan; Rana, Italy; Xiao, China; Jorge, France; Jo, Canada; Susana, Spain; Moleali, USA; Festane, Australia; JA, New Zealand; Charan, India; Shabsoug, Greece; Alissa, Italy; Mod, USA; Enola, Iceland; Khudoliya, Russia; Rijal, Lebanon; Enrico, Spain

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