sphinx in a house on clouds

Oil on Box Canvas 605 mm X 460mm Unframed, Ready to Hang

Second of the Sphinx! First - sphinx in woods - detail of this and image of the first one  below

Besides the Reviews appreciation also comes from:

Dee, USA; Sayis, India; Sup, USA; AC, Canada; Cerulea, S Korea; Kim, Philippines; Kor, Canada; Daniel, UK; Peter, Ireland; Emi, Japan; Leo, USA; Mike, Canada; Santiago, Mexico; Noora; Egypt; Swati, India; Rossana, Italy; Khatool, Uzbekistan; Chen, UK; Nathan, USA; Raul, Mexico; Goh, Poland; Pedro, Mexico; Alejandro, Colombia; Bijay, India; Surry, USA; Dilbagh, India; WP, USA; Susana, Germany; HS, USA; SR, Australia; Leo, USA; Mifflin, UK; Finton, Ireland; Jane M, Philippines; Ruben, Russia; Keh, Germany; Mike, Australia; Enola, Iceland; Galder, Finland; Paolo, Italy; Arilee, USA; Wilbor, Hungary; Vara, Russia; Athena, Germany; SK, USA

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  • Type: Oil on Box Canvas
  • Size: 605 mm X 460mm
  • Frame: Unframed, Ready to Hang
Musings Paintings

Besides the Reviews appreciation also comes from:

Dee, USA; Sayis, India; Sup, USA; AC, Canada; Cerulea, S Korea; Kim, Philippines; Kor, Canada; Daniel, UK; Peter, Ireland; Emi, Japan; Leo, USA; Mike, Canada; Santiago, Mexico; Noora; Egypt; Swati, India; Rossana, Italy; Khatool, Uzbekistan; Chen, UK; Nathan, USA; Raul, Mexico; Goh, Poland; Pedro, Mexico; Alejandro, Colombia; Bijay, India; Surry, USA; Dilbagh, India; WP, USA; Susana, Germany; HS, USA; SR, Australia; Leo, USA; Mifflin, UK; Finton, Ireland; Jane M, Philippines; Ruben, Russia; Keh, Germany; Mike, Australia; Enola, Iceland; Galder, Finland; Paolo, Italy; Arilee, USA; Wilbor, Hungary; Vara, Russia; Athena, Germany; SK, USA

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