
oil on canvas board 500 mm X 400 mm Framed with non-reflective glass

  • territory  oil on canvas board 500 mm X 400 mm Framed with non-reflective glass for Home and Office by artist C K Purandare

Animals and humans have their territories, repulse the outsiders. Oil painting on canvas.

Besides the Reviews appreciation also comes from:

Bahadirkaan, Turkey; Naja Helal, Saudi Arabia; Andrey, Russia; Veronica, Spain; Emilie, France; Bert, UK; Stephen, USA; Clive Blake, UK; Olivia, Canada, Jodi Fisher, Canada; Emily Roberts, UK; Sylvia, Canada; Tom, New Zealand, NicoleDaney, Chile; Wynona Griffin, USA; Trisha, USA; Kerry Galan, Canada; James Shroeder, USA; Alessandra, Italy; Theresa, USA; Andrew Gayle, UK; Brittany Beim, USA; Penelope, Mexico; Wilhelma Morrison, Ireland; Dari from Nepal in The Netherlands; Linsey, USA; Jennifer Bitoni, USA; Marta, Italy; Carolyn M, USA; Linsey, USA; JenniferBitoni, USA; Marta, Italy; Theressa, Ukraine; HKF, S Korea; Andrew, USA; Fabio, Italy

Tags: art, oil painting on canvas, traditional painting, conceptual painting, philosophical painting, symbolic painting, narrative painting, subtext in painting, moral in painting, allegory painting, wolves in painting, bull in painting, desert in painting, water in painting, aggression in painting, attack in painting, light-and-shadows in painting, yellow in painting, black in painting, blue in painting

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  • Type: oil on canvas board
  • Size: 500 mm X 400 mm
  • Frame: Framed with non-reflective glass
Allegory Paintings

Besides the Reviews appreciation also comes from:

Bahadirkaan, Turkey; Naja Helal, Saudi Arabia; Andrey, Russia; Veronica, Spain; Emilie, France; Bert, UK; Stephen, USA; Clive Blake, UK; Olivia, Canada, Jodi Fisher, Canada; Emily Roberts, UK; Sylvia, Canada; Tom, New Zealand, NicoleDaney, Chile; Wynona Griffin, USA; Trisha, USA; Kerry Galan, Canada; James Shroeder, USA; Alessandra, Italy; Theresa, USA; Andrew Gayle, UK; Brittany Beim, USA; Penelope, Mexico; Wilhelma Morrison, Ireland; Dari from Nepal in The Netherlands; Linsey, USA; Jennifer Bitoni, USA; Marta, Italy; Carolyn M, USA; Linsey, USA; JenniferBitoni, USA; Marta, Italy; Theressa, Ukraine; HKF, S Korea; Andrew, USA; Fabio, Italy

Tags: art, oil painting on canvas, traditional painting, conceptual painting, philosophical painting, symbolic painting, narrative painting, subtext in painting, moral in painting, allegory painting, wolves in painting, bull in painting, desert in painting, water in painting, aggression in painting, attack in painting, light-and-shadows in painting, yellow in painting, black in painting, blue in painting

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