the missing

oil on canvas 610mm x 510mm Unframed

  • the missing  oil on canvas 610mm x 510mm Unframed for Home and Office by artist C K Purandare

A missing person is defined as one who has disappeared for no known reason. About one-sixth of these may have psychological problems.This too is just a guess.

Statistics are difficult to come by for The Missing persons.

Still, to get an idea of the number involved, there were 900,000 people missing in the USA alone in 2007. And 2300 disappear there every day.

In vastly populated countries like India and China, where poverty, natural or man-made disasters have a colossal impact on human life and where reliable statistics are as good as non-existent, the number of the missing may easily run into thousands of not millions.

This painting is as much about the missing as about those left behind - worrying, desperate and running from pillar to post.

The painting is not about 'disappeared' people - due to political regimes - as in Argentina or Chile. This is about ordinary, everyday nameless people whose photos we see in newspapers under 'Have you seen this person?'

Besides the Reviews appreciation also comes from:

KK, Poland; Angela, Germany; Liviu Gherman, Romania; Alan, UK; Meno, Russia; Lorraine, Ireland; Mary Carter, USA; Wilbur C, USA; Susana E, Germany; Marco, Indonesia; Kamini, India; Cesare, France; Dana, Poland; Noora, Egypt; Mohini, India; Valerio, Italy; Shorina, Russia; Swati, India; Michael, Australia; Yvonne, France; Anastasiya, Russia; Susana, Germany; Sherie, USA; Soulena, Germany; Karolin, Canada; Mila, USA; Savita, India

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  • Type: oil on canvas
  • Size: 610mm x 510mm
  • Frame: Unframed
Social Paintings

Besides the Reviews appreciation also comes from:

KK, Poland; Angela, Germany; Liviu Gherman, Romania; Alan, UK; Meno, Russia; Lorraine, Ireland; Mary Carter, USA; Wilbur C, USA; Susana E, Germany; Marco, Indonesia; Kamini, India; Cesare, France; Dana, Poland; Noora, Egypt; Mohini, India; Valerio, Italy; Shorina, Russia; Swati, India; Michael, Australia; Yvonne, France; Anastasiya, Russia; Susana, Germany; Sherie, USA; Soulena, Germany; Karolin, Canada; Mila, USA; Savita, India

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