things fit in retrospect

Acrylic painting on hardboard 1220mm x 607mm Unframed

  • things fit in retrospect  Acrylic painting on hardboard 1220mm x 607mm Unframed for Home and Office by artist C K Purandare

This image has been used by a marathi magazine - Rasik - in their special Diwali issue Nov 07

Besides the Reviews appreciation also comes from:

Lizmar Ramos, Venezuela; Ariel Ferreyra, Argentina; Eileen, Ireland; Ida, USA; Danielle, USA; Jose, Ecuador; Natasha, Mozambique; Delia Cristina Florentina Ionica, Romania; Roxy Elle, Romania; Amber Scott , USA; O D Gong, People’s Republic of China; Elke, Germany; Cesare, France; Dana Sherie, Poland; Revati, India; Yulia, Russia; Jeanine, The Netherlands; Urvashi, India; Mendonsa, Brazil; Bijay, India; Shorina, Russia; Alpha, USA; Christin, Germany; Swati, India; Soulena, Germany; Rossana, Italy; Khatool, Uzbekistan; Katya, Russia; Sabo, Germany; Noel, USA; SA, UK; Jeremiah, Germany; Fray, Norway; Ti, UK; Alberto, Italy; Vara, Russia; Kik, Poland; Salve, Portugal; Daniel, UK; Paddy, Canada; Winfrith, USA; AA, France; Cerulea, S Korea; Yohann, Mexico; Ann, Malaysia; Dill, Czech Republic; Raoul, Mexico; Roberto, Italy; Bijay, India; AO, Italy

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  • Type: Acrylic painting on hardboard
  • Size: 1220mm x 607mm
  • Frame: Unframed
Musings Paintings

Besides the Reviews appreciation also comes from:

Lizmar Ramos, Venezuela; Ariel Ferreyra, Argentina; Eileen, Ireland; Ida, USA; Danielle, USA; Jose, Ecuador; Natasha, Mozambique; Delia Cristina Florentina Ionica, Romania; Roxy Elle, Romania; Amber Scott , USA; O D Gong, People’s Republic of China; Elke, Germany; Cesare, France; Dana Sherie, Poland; Revati, India; Yulia, Russia; Jeanine, The Netherlands; Urvashi, India; Mendonsa, Brazil; Bijay, India; Shorina, Russia; Alpha, USA; Christin, Germany; Swati, India; Soulena, Germany; Rossana, Italy; Khatool, Uzbekistan; Katya, Russia; Sabo, Germany; Noel, USA; SA, UK; Jeremiah, Germany; Fray, Norway; Ti, UK; Alberto, Italy; Vara, Russia; Kik, Poland; Salve, Portugal; Daniel, UK; Paddy, Canada; Winfrith, USA; AA, France; Cerulea, S Korea; Yohann, Mexico; Ann, Malaysia; Dill, Czech Republic; Raoul, Mexico; Roberto, Italy; Bijay, India; AO, Italy

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