unsolicited occupants

Oil on Box Canvas 560 mm X 460 mm Unframed, Ready to Hang

People who should have gone into oblivion long back stay put in mind 

Besides the Reviews appreciation also comes from:

LD, USA; Sing, Russia; Natasha, Russia;LD, USA; T Rose, Ireland; Pia, Germany; Labrador, Colombia; Ivan, Spain; Katy, Russia; Debbie, UK; Isa, Portugal; Erin, USA; Maggie, USA; Florence, France; AT, India; SS, UK; Jeremy L, USA; Dave; USA; Ida, Sweden; GB, UK; Danny H, Austria; Mimmi S, Sweden; Dennis, Germany; C Nicole, Canada; FR, USA; Ira W, Poland; Elizabeth, UK; K Polaczenko, Poland; Candice L, Czech Republic; Shay, USA; Anna, Poland; Pilar, Spain; Holly, UK; Cavenham, USA; Ryene, USA; Jeffrey R, Sam C, USA; Lucia, Italy; Kelsey McAfee, USA; Anita D, Austria; Paulina W, Poland; Sally, USA; H Reed, UK; Kat, USA; Lynus, Italy; Vali, Peru; Ave, The Philippines; Angie Lorrena Carrie Longas, Colombia; Andrew, New Zealand; Julia A, Greece; KW, Japan; Kenny, USA; Shorina, Russia; Valerio, Italy; Kazunari, Japan; Rossana, Italy; Noora, Egypt; Khatool, Uzbekistan; Mrunalini, India; Miyanamashi, Japan; Bo, USA; Coline, France; Ian, Greece; Michela, France; Sascha, Switzerland; Kathy, Germany; Chen, UK; Noushafarin. Iran; Justyna, Russia; Susana, Germany; Anna D, Russia; Mariola, Spain; Valencia, Italy; Swati, India; Sabo, Germany; Bijay, India; Johana, Austria; Steven, Switzerland , Jorge, France; Moleali, USA; Nadine, Germany; Khudoliya, Russia; Rijal, Lebanon

Tags: art, oil painting, oil painting on canvas, traditional painting, surreal painting, imaginary painting, fantasy painting, psychedelic painting, conceptual painting, contemporary painting, subtext to painting, message in painting, narrative in painting, symbolic painting, painting makes a statement, sci-fi in painting, people in painting, head in painting, split head in painting, animals in painting, suitable for psychology departments, psychiatric clinics, institutions

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  • Type: Oil on Box Canvas
  • Size: 560 mm X 460 mm
  • Frame: Unframed, Ready to Hang
Musings Paintings

Besides the Reviews appreciation also comes from:

LD, USA; Sing, Russia; Natasha, Russia;LD, USA; T Rose, Ireland; Pia, Germany; Labrador, Colombia; Ivan, Spain; Katy, Russia; Debbie, UK; Isa, Portugal; Erin, USA; Maggie, USA; Florence, France; AT, India; SS, UK; Jeremy L, USA; Dave; USA; Ida, Sweden; GB, UK; Danny H, Austria; Mimmi S, Sweden; Dennis, Germany; C Nicole, Canada; FR, USA; Ira W, Poland; Elizabeth, UK; K Polaczenko, Poland; Candice L, Czech Republic; Shay, USA; Anna, Poland; Pilar, Spain; Holly, UK; Cavenham, USA; Ryene, USA; Jeffrey R, Sam C, USA; Lucia, Italy; Kelsey McAfee, USA; Anita D, Austria; Paulina W, Poland; Sally, USA; H Reed, UK; Kat, USA; Lynus, Italy; Vali, Peru; Ave, The Philippines; Angie Lorrena Carrie Longas, Colombia; Andrew, New Zealand; Julia A, Greece; KW, Japan; Kenny, USA; Shorina, Russia; Valerio, Italy; Kazunari, Japan; Rossana, Italy; Noora, Egypt; Khatool, Uzbekistan; Mrunalini, India; Miyanamashi, Japan; Bo, USA; Coline, France; Ian, Greece; Michela, France; Sascha, Switzerland; Kathy, Germany; Chen, UK; Noushafarin. Iran; Justyna, Russia; Susana, Germany; Anna D, Russia; Mariola, Spain; Valencia, Italy; Swati, India; Sabo, Germany; Bijay, India; Johana, Austria; Steven, Switzerland , Jorge, France; Moleali, USA; Nadine, Germany; Khudoliya, Russia; Rijal, Lebanon

Tags: art, oil painting, oil painting on canvas, traditional painting, surreal painting, imaginary painting, fantasy painting, psychedelic painting, conceptual painting, contemporary painting, subtext to painting, message in painting, narrative in painting, symbolic painting, painting makes a statement, sci-fi in painting, people in painting, head in painting, split head in painting, animals in painting, suitable for psychology departments, psychiatric clinics, institutions

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