we are all love-lorn

Acrylic painting on canvas 254mm x 305mm Unframed

  • we are all love-lorn  Acrylic painting on canvas 254mm x 305mm Unframed for Home and Office by artist C K Purandare

This is an imaginary literay portrait of the mood of a classical Sanskrit long poem - 'Meghdoota' by Kalidasa
[Meghdoota means Cloud the Messenger.Sanskrit is a now-dead ancient Indian language like Latin].
The poem tells the following story -
In the kingdom of God, there was a semi-divine being [yaksha] who worked for the Treasurer of God [kubera]. His duty was to collect fresh flowers for the Treasurer early every morning. Then he got married. And did not want to leave his wife so early everyday.So he started collecting flowers previous day evening.Once a bee was caught in the half-closed flower and stang the Treasurer the next day when the flower opened up. The yaksha was banished to far off land for a year as a punishment - to be away from his wife.Here, he pleads to a cloud to carry his message of love to his wife back home.
The whole poem is entreaties to the cloud.
Our national poet, Tagore, said on this Poem - we are all that yaksha on this earth - we are all love-lorn, pining for a lover throughout our life

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Paula, USA; Mizuki, Japan; Kiet, Vietnam; Sherie, USA; Anastasiya, Russia; Swati, India; Jerri, USA; Kamini, India; Soulena, Germany; Valerio, Italy; Amoia, Canada; Majumdar, India; Yori, Japan; Juliette, Ireland; Vita, Czech Republic; HRS, USA; Raoul, Brazil; Ramse, France; Cerulea, S Korea; Lara, Brazil; Rossana, Italy; Mitish, Egypt; Lika, Hungary; Kaya, Iran; Bernie, The Netherlands; Urvashi, India; Graham, UK; Emi, Japan; Swati, India; Cesare, France; Kata, Russia; Kamini, India; Bianca, USA; Noora, Egypt; Abhishek, India; Bijay, India; Khatool, Uzbekistan; Michel, France; Payal, India; Sherie, USA; Serena, Canada; Elke, Germany; Rossana, Italy; Brigitt, Sweden; Shorina, Russia; Daniel, UK; Leona, Canada; Winfrith, USA; Sherie, USA; Kamini, India; Sterenn B, France; Rossana, Italy; Noora, Egypt; Shorina, Russia; Swati, India; Susana, Germany; Khatool, Uzbekistan; Bijay, India; Elke N, Germany; Briella, Canada; Selen, Italy; Kata, Russia; Urvashi, India; Roline, France; Adnan, Lebanon; Ivan, Russia; Roberto, Italy

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  • Type: Acrylic painting on canvas
  • Size: 254mm x 305mm
  • Frame: Unframed
Portrait Paintings

Besides the Reviews appreciation also comes from:

Paula, USA; Mizuki, Japan; Kiet, Vietnam; Sherie, USA; Anastasiya, Russia; Swati, India; Jerri, USA; Kamini, India; Soulena, Germany; Valerio, Italy; Amoia, Canada; Majumdar, India; Yori, Japan; Juliette, Ireland; Vita, Czech Republic; HRS, USA; Raoul, Brazil; Ramse, France; Cerulea, S Korea; Lara, Brazil; Rossana, Italy; Mitish, Egypt; Lika, Hungary; Kaya, Iran; Bernie, The Netherlands; Urvashi, India; Graham, UK; Emi, Japan; Swati, India; Cesare, France; Kata, Russia; Kamini, India; Bianca, USA; Noora, Egypt; Abhishek, India; Bijay, India; Khatool, Uzbekistan; Michel, France; Payal, India; Sherie, USA; Serena, Canada; Elke, Germany; Rossana, Italy; Brigitt, Sweden; Shorina, Russia; Daniel, UK; Leona, Canada; Winfrith, USA; Sherie, USA; Kamini, India; Sterenn B, France; Rossana, Italy; Noora, Egypt; Shorina, Russia; Swati, India; Susana, Germany; Khatool, Uzbekistan; Bijay, India; Elke N, Germany; Briella, Canada; Selen, Italy; Kata, Russia; Urvashi, India; Roline, France; Adnan, Lebanon; Ivan, Russia; Roberto, Italy

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