zone grey

Oil on Canvas Board 760 mm X 460 mm Unframed for Sale

  • zone grey  Oil on Canvas Board 760 mm X 460 mm Unframed for Sale for Home and Office by artist C K Purandare

A study in light-and-shadow.

Besides the Reviews appreciation also comes from:

Lucy, USA; Mathew, Canada; Daria, Ukraine; CS, USA; AG, Finland; Bo, Japan; PES, USA; Dave, USA: Kovaleski, Poland; RD, India; Daniel, UK; DF, Germany; David, USA; Monica, Greece; Melody, USA; Alex H, USA; Mike, USA; Beatrycze, Poland; Malena M, UK; SWS, Germany; Ruby Z, USA; Joonas, Finland; Pau, The Philippines; Maciej, Poland; DJT, USA; Wain, Mexico; Lynus, Italy; GCA, USA; Katy, Russia; Fyodor, Russia; Astrid, New Zealand; Leo, USA; Ramon, Spain; Noushfarin, Iran; Sherie, USA; Swati, India; Susana, Germany; Rossana, Italy; Khatool, Uzbekistan; Bijay, India; Michael, Australia; Mohini, India; Soulena, Germany; Swasti, India; Mira, Poland; Payal, India; Tanaya, India; Mariah, New Zealand; Tagu, S Korea; Sabrina, Germany; Hannah, Austria; LL, Russia; Shorina, Russia; Claudia, Germany

Tags: art, oil painting on canvas, traditional painting, realistic painting, monochrome painting, grey in painting, walls, floor, door, interior of a house, light and shadow, dark and light, black color, white color, grey color

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  • Type: Oil on Canvas Board
  • Size: 760 mm X 460 mm
  • Frame: Unframed
  • Availability:In Stock
Modern Art Paintings

  • For More Information / Enquiry Whatsapp: 9370285986

Besides the Reviews appreciation also comes from:

Lucy, USA; Mathew, Canada; Daria, Ukraine; CS, USA; AG, Finland; Bo, Japan; PES, USA; Dave, USA: Kovaleski, Poland; RD, India; Daniel, UK; DF, Germany; David, USA; Monica, Greece; Melody, USA; Alex H, USA; Mike, USA; Beatrycze, Poland; Malena M, UK; SWS, Germany; Ruby Z, USA; Joonas, Finland; Pau, The Philippines; Maciej, Poland; DJT, USA; Wain, Mexico; Lynus, Italy; GCA, USA; Katy, Russia; Fyodor, Russia; Astrid, New Zealand; Leo, USA; Ramon, Spain; Noushfarin, Iran; Sherie, USA; Swati, India; Susana, Germany; Rossana, Italy; Khatool, Uzbekistan; Bijay, India; Michael, Australia; Mohini, India; Soulena, Germany; Swasti, India; Mira, Poland; Payal, India; Tanaya, India; Mariah, New Zealand; Tagu, S Korea; Sabrina, Germany; Hannah, Austria; LL, Russia; Shorina, Russia; Claudia, Germany

Tags: art, oil painting on canvas, traditional painting, realistic painting, monochrome painting, grey in painting, walls, floor, door, interior of a house, light and shadow, dark and light, black color, white color, grey color

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