Food and lack of it
oil on canvas box 590mm x 490mm Dark brown fibre glass with mount
of a starved-to-death asian boy at the centre.Surrounded by obese people
Besides the Reviews appreciation also comes from:
ET, USA, SS, USA, Suzanne, USA, Janine, USA
ET, USA, SS, USA, Suzanne, USA, Janine, USA
- Type: oil on canvas box
- Size: 590mm x 490mm
- Frame: Dark brown fibre glass with mount
Social Paintings
Besides the Reviews appreciation also comes from:
ET, USA, SS, USA, Suzanne, USA, Janine, USA
ET, USA, SS, USA, Suzanne, USA, Janine, USA
Related Paintings (View all paintings in Social Paintings)
Elites and Violence
Acrylic painting on hardboard
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35mm wide pine moulding painted bright yellow