
oil on box canvas [ready to hang] 615mm x 455mm Unframed

Kashmir is in northern India touching the Himalayas. It has been a disputed part with Pakistan since 1947.Three agents contribute to the on-going violence - Pakistani army, Indian army and resistance groups aligned to either or against both.

It is a very beautiful state, has been described as paradise on earth for ages.

It also has new orphans, widows, bereaved women generated on a daily basis due to violence.
This image has been used by 'Bahujan Maharashtra' , a marathi daily by the erstwhile outcastes in their issue dated June 3, 2009

Besides the Reviews appreciation also comes from:

Liviu Gherman, Romania; Janet, Ireland; Alan, UK; Hal, USA; Jay, Canada; Paula, USA; Carolyn YM, USA; Jayne, USA; Frau K, Germany; Javier Alejandro, Colombia; Romy, Spain; Ada, Poland; Julia Wilkins, UK; HKF, Korea; Wilbur C, USA

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  • Type: oil on box canvas [ready to hang]
  • Size: 615mm x 455mm
  • Frame: Unframed
Political Paintings

Besides the Reviews appreciation also comes from:

Liviu Gherman, Romania; Janet, Ireland; Alan, UK; Hal, USA; Jay, Canada; Paula, USA; Carolyn YM, USA; Jayne, USA; Frau K, Germany; Javier Alejandro, Colombia; Romy, Spain; Ada, Poland; Julia Wilkins, UK; HKF, Korea; Wilbur C, USA

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₹ 1