shame an Indian Version
Oil painting on Hardboard 1300mm x 690mm 45mm pine moulding painted light purple
left part shows typical scenes of water shortage in India - people queueing
up for water, women trying to scoop water from dry river beds,etc.
The right part shows Hindu-Muslim communal violence - a Hindu god-man inciting
hatred, muslims setting a train of hindu pilgrims on fire - the train is
of 'HINDUS FROM AYODHYA'. The match-stick - 'ALLA HU AKBAR'.The person
in dark with dagger drawn is 'PROUD TO BE HINDU'.
image has been used by the National Alliance People's Movement's
Magazine, India for their special issue - October - November 2006
Paula, USA; Enola, Iceland
- Type: Oil painting on Hardboard
- Size: 1300mm x 690mm
- Frame: 45mm pine moulding painted light purple
Political Paintings
Paula, USA; Enola, Iceland
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45mm pine moulding painted light bluish grey
the left and the proletariat
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