The So-called Private Space-His

Acrylic painting on hardboard 1290mm x 685mm 45mm pine moulding painted dark red

  • The So-called Private Space-His  Acrylic painting on hardboard 1290mm x 685mm 45mm pine moulding painted dark red for Home and Office by artist C K Purandare

Left hand bottom corner - a man fishing.
Rest of the picture - carnivores.

Besides the Reviews appreciation also comes from:

Tai, Spain; Paula, USA; Miliana, USA; Debbie, USA; Jennifer, USA; Sophy, UK; Mari Sela, Canada; Mariola, Spain; Dana Sherie, Germany; Lotus, UK; Elke A, Germany; Noushafarin, Iran; Swati, India; Noora, Egypt; Sterenn, France; Rossana, Italy; Shorina, Russia; Valerio, Italy; Susana, Germany; Mike, Australia; Bijay, India, Balint, France; Igor, Israel; Payal, India; Dolce, Italy; Estre, France; Riccardo, Italy; Bronwyn, USA; Des, Ireland, Surya, India; Khatool, Uzbekistan; Michel, France; Irina, Russia; Elke N, Germany; Cesare, France; Chen, UK; Kathy, Germany; Sahil, India; Charlie, France; Mark, USA; HF, Ireland; Jenn, Belgium

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  • Type: Acrylic painting on hardboard
  • Size: 1290mm x 685mm
  • Frame: 45mm pine moulding painted dark red
Social Paintings

Besides the Reviews appreciation also comes from:

Tai, Spain; Paula, USA; Miliana, USA; Debbie, USA; Jennifer, USA; Sophy, UK; Mari Sela, Canada; Mariola, Spain; Dana Sherie, Germany; Lotus, UK; Elke A, Germany; Noushafarin, Iran; Swati, India; Noora, Egypt; Sterenn, France; Rossana, Italy; Shorina, Russia; Valerio, Italy; Susana, Germany; Mike, Australia; Bijay, India, Balint, France; Igor, Israel; Payal, India; Dolce, Italy; Estre, France; Riccardo, Italy; Bronwyn, USA; Des, Ireland, Surya, India; Khatool, Uzbekistan; Michel, France; Irina, Russia; Elke N, Germany; Cesare, France; Chen, UK; Kathy, Germany; Sahil, India; Charlie, France; Mark, USA; HF, Ireland; Jenn, Belgium

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