oil on canvas Oil painting on canvas panel 650mm x 540mm
On the left - main figure - a tyical juggler doing the card trick
on the top at the left corner - cutting of a person into two
at the bottom - behind the lettering - a rabbit in a black hat
On the right - the dark figure- caricatured intellectual - is trying to
juggle a number of bottles with two hands. Labels of the bottles read -
capitalism -51 brands, feminism 1001 brands, hedonism, racism 11 brands,
Jigsaw puzzle pieces in the background read - poverty, minorities, globalisation,
immigrants, 'mainstream', hunger, deviance, protectionism, multi-culturalism,
cultural specificities, democracy, nuclear arms, dictatorships, etc.
This image has been used by 'Bahujan Maharashtra'
, a marathi daily by the erstwhile outcastes in their issue dated June
18, 2009
Arkadiusz Jaronik, Poland; Paula, USA; Gio, Georgia
- Type: oil on canvas
- Size: Oil painting on canvas panel
- Frame: 650mm x 540mm
Social Paintings
Arkadiusz Jaronik, Poland; Paula, USA; Gio, Georgia
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