the under-rated[s] hatred

oil on canvas 685mm x 530mm 45 mm wide pine moulding painted grey

  • the under-rated[s] hatred  oil on canvas 685mm x 530mm 45 mm wide pine moulding painted grey for Home and Office by artist C K Purandare

This image has been used by a marathi magazine - Rasik - in their special Diwali issue Nov 07

This image has been used by the National Alliance People's Movement's Magazine, India for their special issue -
October - November 2006

Besides the Reviews appreciation also comes from:

Joe, USA; James Schroeder, USA; Paula, USA; Yasmin, Jordan; Lija, Slovenia; Marta, Italy; Jenna Ommelo, Finland; Michelle Jane, USA; Keira Grant, USA; Michelle Monique, USA; Aziz Natour, Israel; Dr Janelle D Wilson, USA; Pasztor Daniel, Hungary; Atiya, USA; Natalie, USA; Gail, UK; Jennifer, USA; Julia Wilkins, UK; Ana Maria, Romani; Anastasia, Norway

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  • Type: oil on canvas
  • Size: 685mm x 530mm
  • Frame: 45 mm wide pine moulding painted grey
Political Paintings

Besides the Reviews appreciation also comes from:

Joe, USA; James Schroeder, USA; Paula, USA; Yasmin, Jordan; Lija, Slovenia; Marta, Italy; Jenna Ommelo, Finland; Michelle Jane, USA; Keira Grant, USA; Michelle Monique, USA; Aziz Natour, Israel; Dr Janelle D Wilson, USA; Pasztor Daniel, Hungary; Atiya, USA; Natalie, USA; Gail, UK; Jennifer, USA; Julia Wilkins, UK; Ana Maria, Romani; Anastasia, Norway

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