a chinese family circa 2010

Oil on Box Canvas 200 mm X 250 mm Unframed, Ready to Hang

  • a chinese family circa 2010  Oil on Box Canvas 200 mm X 250 mm Unframed,  Ready to Hang for Home and Office by artist C K Purandare

something mechanistic about it

Besides the Reviews appreciation also comes from:

Lucas de Borges, Brazil; Jana, Slovakia; Leslie, USA; Adam, UK; Liviu Ghermann, Romania; KS, Poland; AY, Denmark; Ashley, USA; Carolyn PM, USA; Yvonne, France; Arina, Russia; Ariel, France; Stacey, Canada, Deniz, Turkey, Mariana Palova, Mexico; Fiona, USA; Miliana, USA; Marta, Italy; HKF, S Korea

Tags: art, oil painting, oil painting on canvas, traditional painting, symbolic painting, realistic painting, narrative in painting, subtext to painting, contemporary painting, topical painting, dark painting, social painting, message in painting, people in the painting, family in the painting, Chinese family in the painting, young couple in the painting, child in the painting, darkness in painting, dark painting

Adam Webb    USA

I keep wanting to find a center in this and I cannot. The black keeps screaming out to me to notice it.

Elizabeth    USA

I love the layers of colors...
the more I look at it the more I notice the layers are like aging on a photograph. I'm not sure if that's what you intended, but I think it's really cool.


I do not know much about paintings, so I apologize ahead of time...
I liked your choice of colors in this piece because it gave it such a dreary tone, and stresses the emotions that I think you were trying to portray here. The characters seem so distant and cut off from the happiness in life, and their eerie reality is somehow easy to relate to for most.

AKK    India

The colours & composition are haunting!
Can you elaborate the theme?...
In my China visit, I got the feeling...though it appears a very rosy picture, the mechanised discipline is not from the bottom of heart...

MAS    India

A very interesting painting. And by interesting I do mean interesting in a good way.
Somewhat intriguing... What is exactly happening to the child? Would you pl explain?
But the faces of all and also the background are excellent and it is dificult to take your eyes off them. They are nearly mesmerizing.

Juliette Caron

I like it but don't understand some of the imagery. Like the various orange patches. I can't figure out what they are. I'm sure it has a deeper meaning, like your work always does, but I am baffled...
The painting has a desolate feeling. Are they in a shop? Is that a counter the man is standing behind?

Razhvan Baba    Romania

I cannot shake the feeling that I will work in an industry that uses underpaid workers in overpriced cities to do all the manufacturing.
I sure hope not all of it is like this, because the factory is the heart of any industry. Just google "Foxconn suicides". Foxconn is a major electronics manufacturer and assembler. How large? Let's just say from Apple to Zune.
Things like this make me really bitter. I wonder if I will ever be cynical enough to be a boss in one of these assembly plants.

MK    India

Can you elaborate

Jana    Slovakia

So strong emotions!

BW    Finland

That pic is amazing.
I liked the colors and the atmosphere

Basile    Switzerland

So dark, so scary

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  • Type: Oil on Box Canvas
  • Size: 200 mm X 250 mm
  • Frame: Unframed, Ready to Hang
Contemporary Paintings

Besides the Reviews appreciation also comes from:

Lucas de Borges, Brazil; Jana, Slovakia; Leslie, USA; Adam, UK; Liviu Ghermann, Romania; KS, Poland; AY, Denmark; Ashley, USA; Carolyn PM, USA; Yvonne, France; Arina, Russia; Ariel, France; Stacey, Canada, Deniz, Turkey, Mariana Palova, Mexico; Fiona, USA; Miliana, USA; Marta, Italy; HKF, S Korea

Tags: art, oil painting, oil painting on canvas, traditional painting, symbolic painting, realistic painting, narrative in painting, subtext to painting, contemporary painting, topical painting, dark painting, social painting, message in painting, people in the painting, family in the painting, Chinese family in the painting, young couple in the painting, child in the painting, darkness in painting, dark painting

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