a locked cabinet

Oil on Box Canvas 400 mm X 400 mm Unframed, Ready to hang

  • a locked cabinet  Oil on Box Canvas 400 mm X 400 mm Unframed, Ready to hang for Home and Office by artist C K Purandare

Perhaps this oil painting gives a sense of mystery?

Besides the Reviews appreciation also comes from:

Ariadna, Peru; Jeanne, USA; Haley, UK; Meral S, Turkey; WS Dunn, USA; Megan, Canada; Dr D, India; DR, UK; Marina, Ukraine; Mariana, Russia; Dennis, Austria; Yasmin, Jordan; Lucia, Italy; Samantha, USA; Kelsey McAffee; USA; Lynn Morris, USA; Lynus, Italy; EW, Germany; Victor, USA; Walter, France; Pooja, India; Susana Elinbaum, Germany; VSL, France; Shreya, India

Tags: art, oil painting on canvas, traditional painting, mysterious painting, realistic painting, conceptual painting, subtext to painting, shows light, dark, treasure, secret, cellar, walls, cabinet, grey, yellow, black

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  • Type: Oil on Box Canvas
  • Size: 400 mm X 400 mm
  • Frame: Unframed, Ready to hang
Modern Art Paintings

Besides the Reviews appreciation also comes from:

Ariadna, Peru; Jeanne, USA; Haley, UK; Meral S, Turkey; WS Dunn, USA; Megan, Canada; Dr D, India; DR, UK; Marina, Ukraine; Mariana, Russia; Dennis, Austria; Yasmin, Jordan; Lucia, Italy; Samantha, USA; Kelsey McAffee; USA; Lynn Morris, USA; Lynus, Italy; EW, Germany; Victor, USA; Walter, France; Pooja, India; Susana Elinbaum, Germany; VSL, France; Shreya, India

Tags: art, oil painting on canvas, traditional painting, mysterious painting, realistic painting, conceptual painting, subtext to painting, shows light, dark, treasure, secret, cellar, walls, cabinet, grey, yellow, black

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