
Oil on Box Canvas 405 mm X 505 mm Unframed, Ready to hang for Sale

  • torn  Oil on Box Canvas  405 mm X 505 mm Unframed, Ready to hang for Sale for Home and Office by artist C K Purandare

may be fabric, paper, relationship…

Besides the Reviews appreciation also comes from:

Mikiel, Portugal; Sally Jane, UK; Olivia, Switzerland; Emi, Japan; Kodi, USA; La C, Canada; CS, USA; Rico, New Zealand; Lucy, USA; Walter, France; Mikki, Greece; Rose, UK; D Hudson, UK; Nev, Canada; Dimitri, Belgium; Tim, UK; Nikola, Italy; Haley, Switzerland; T Sobras, UK; EW, Germany; TTK, USA; Kasia, Poland; Katie, Slovenia; Georgia T, Australia; EW, Germany; Alina V, Russia; Yoda, USA; Lynus, Italy; Carlos, Chile; Luis, Mexico; Dennis, Germany, Grzegorz Kovalevski, Russia; Monica, France; Shaye, Canada; Melody, USA; Dana Sherie, Germany; Anastasiya, Russia; Elke, Germany; Rossana, Italy; Swati, India; Catherine, USA; Susana, Germany; Michel, France; Mohini, India; Wibke, Austria; Inge, Germany; Bijay, India; Ramon, Spain; Alpha, USA; Sanna, Norway; Ser, India; Angela, Germany; Mariola, Spain; Sherie, USA; Jeanine, The Netherlands; Khatool, Uzbekistan; Shorina, Russia; TWA, USA; VK, Germany; Theo, Greece; Teresa, Portugal; Soulena, Germany

Tags: art, traditional painting, abstract painting, narrative, subtext, oil on canvas painting, monochrome painting, grey in painting, geometric shapes in painting, folds, wall in the painting, floor, indoors painting, vertical, horizontal

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  • Type: Oil on Box Canvas
  • Size: 405 mm X 505 mm
  • Frame: Unframed, Ready to hang
  • Availability:In Stock
Modern Art Paintings

  • For More Information / Enquiry Whatsapp: 9370285986

Besides the Reviews appreciation also comes from:

Mikiel, Portugal; Sally Jane, UK; Olivia, Switzerland; Emi, Japan; Kodi, USA; La C, Canada; CS, USA; Rico, New Zealand; Lucy, USA; Walter, France; Mikki, Greece; Rose, UK; D Hudson, UK; Nev, Canada; Dimitri, Belgium; Tim, UK; Nikola, Italy; Haley, Switzerland; T Sobras, UK; EW, Germany; TTK, USA; Kasia, Poland; Katie, Slovenia; Georgia T, Australia; EW, Germany; Alina V, Russia; Yoda, USA; Lynus, Italy; Carlos, Chile; Luis, Mexico; Dennis, Germany, Grzegorz Kovalevski, Russia; Monica, France; Shaye, Canada; Melody, USA; Dana Sherie, Germany; Anastasiya, Russia; Elke, Germany; Rossana, Italy; Swati, India; Catherine, USA; Susana, Germany; Michel, France; Mohini, India; Wibke, Austria; Inge, Germany; Bijay, India; Ramon, Spain; Alpha, USA; Sanna, Norway; Ser, India; Angela, Germany; Mariola, Spain; Sherie, USA; Jeanine, The Netherlands; Khatool, Uzbekistan; Shorina, Russia; TWA, USA; VK, Germany; Theo, Greece; Teresa, Portugal; Soulena, Germany

Tags: art, traditional painting, abstract painting, narrative, subtext, oil on canvas painting, monochrome painting, grey in painting, geometric shapes in painting, folds, wall in the painting, floor, indoors painting, vertical, horizontal

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