all they got

Oil on Canvas 600 mm X 600 mm Home-made temporary frame

  • all they got  Oil on Canvas 600 mm X 600 mm Home-made temporary frame for Home and Office by artist C K Purandare

They are content with what they have

Besides the Reviews appreciation also comes from:

Asma, Algeria; Wafa, UAE; Kyra, Croatia; Yance Wijaya, Indonesia; Deveerai Respondo, The Philippines; Marcel Precel, Poland; Christina, France; Ivan, Spain; Steve, Ireland; Melanie, Canada; Shane, USA; Gala, Spain; Mai, Mexico; Miliana, USA; Steph, New Zealand; Tina, Poland; Scott MacMilan, Canada; Carolyn, USA; Alessandra, UK; Michelle, USA; Keagan Mandler, USA; Bethany, USA; Angelina, Canada; Brenna, UK; Ola, Russia; David Schipper, USA; Fiona, USA; Irene, france; Ronnie Paine, USA; Dari from Nepal in The Netherlands; Joseph Monasky, USA, Dawn Murphy, Canada; Charlie, USA; Rafaella, USA; Stanley, Canada; Paula, USA; Favia, Germany; Deniz, Turkey; Tess, USA; Lucila, Argentina; K H Sarge, Australia; Phil, Canada; Grete Hallikvee, Slovenia; Ahura Shirastiani, Iran; June, USA; Marta, Italy; Mehr, UAE; Jordan; Mikka, Norway; Olivia, Canada; Joan, USA; Max, USA; Wenona Williams, USA; Tommy, USA;Sandra H, Australia; BW, Bulgaria; Lin, P R China; JP, UK; Peggy, UK; Carlos R, Argentina; Thomas C, USA; Lautaro B, Argentina; BTA, Canada; Valerie, France

Tags: art, oil painting, oil painting on canvas, traditional painting, conceptual painting, realistic painting, symbolic painting, surreal painting, narrative in painting, subtext to painting, message in painting, social painting, , contemporary painting, painting makes a statement, deprived neighbourhood in painting, poor neighbourhood in painting, deserted neighbourhood in painting, colourful sky in painting, action in painting, light in painting, cheerful mood in painting, play in painting, game in painting, football in painting, boys in painting, mother and child in painting

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  • Type: Oil on Canvas
  • Size: 600 mm X 600 mm
  • Frame: Home-made temporary frame
Social Paintings

Besides the Reviews appreciation also comes from:

Asma, Algeria; Wafa, UAE; Kyra, Croatia; Yance Wijaya, Indonesia; Deveerai Respondo, The Philippines; Marcel Precel, Poland; Christina, France; Ivan, Spain; Steve, Ireland; Melanie, Canada; Shane, USA; Gala, Spain; Mai, Mexico; Miliana, USA; Steph, New Zealand; Tina, Poland; Scott MacMilan, Canada; Carolyn, USA; Alessandra, UK; Michelle, USA; Keagan Mandler, USA; Bethany, USA; Angelina, Canada; Brenna, UK; Ola, Russia; David Schipper, USA; Fiona, USA; Irene, france; Ronnie Paine, USA; Dari from Nepal in The Netherlands; Joseph Monasky, USA, Dawn Murphy, Canada; Charlie, USA; Rafaella, USA; Stanley, Canada; Paula, USA; Favia, Germany; Deniz, Turkey; Tess, USA; Lucila, Argentina; K H Sarge, Australia; Phil, Canada; Grete Hallikvee, Slovenia; Ahura Shirastiani, Iran; June, USA; Marta, Italy; Mehr, UAE; Jordan; Mikka, Norway; Olivia, Canada; Joan, USA; Max, USA; Wenona Williams, USA; Tommy, USA;Sandra H, Australia; BW, Bulgaria; Lin, P R China; JP, UK; Peggy, UK; Carlos R, Argentina; Thomas C, USA; Lautaro B, Argentina; BTA, Canada; Valerie, France

Tags: art, oil painting, oil painting on canvas, traditional painting, conceptual painting, realistic painting, symbolic painting, surreal painting, narrative in painting, subtext to painting, message in painting, social painting, , contemporary painting, painting makes a statement, deprived neighbourhood in painting, poor neighbourhood in painting, deserted neighbourhood in painting, colourful sky in painting, action in painting, light in painting, cheerful mood in painting, play in painting, game in painting, football in painting, boys in painting, mother and child in painting

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