the honey - gatherer

Oil on Oil paper 492mm x 297 mm Frammed with Glass

  • the honey - gatherer  Oil on Oil paper 492mm x 297 mm Frammed with Glass for Home and Office by artist C K Purandare


Besides the Reviews appreciation also comes from:

Kelly Jenkins, UK; Yuna, Germany; Liviu Gherman, Romania; Jose Grievera, Indonesia; Mau, Mexico; Kathleen Thompson, Australia; Marina, Serbia; Richard Carnrike, USA; Marta, Italy, Angie McCray, Canada; Allie Reynolds, USA; Bleu Hope, UK; Miliana, USA; Leah, USA; Janik, Belgium; Knut, S Africa; Wenona Williams, USA; HKF, Korea; Sherie, USA; Sterenn, France; Rossana, Italy; Swati, India; Shorina, Russia; Cesare, France; Susana, Germany; Anna, Russia; Elke, Germany; Mendonsa, Spain; Bijay, India; Michael, Australia; Dana, Poland; Luna, Canada; Mariola, Spain; Kelly, UK; Margot, USA; Dennis, New Zealand; Dariana, Poland; Pierre, France; Dani K, Italy; Tisha, Spain; Michael, Australia; Valeria, Portugal; Bijay, India; Shorina, Russia; Mendonsa, Brazil; Urvashi, India; Alpha, USA; Revati, India; Valerio, Italy; Swati, India; Rossana, Italy; Mohan, India; Dariana, Poland; Ramon, Portugal; Toree, Ireland; Dana Sherie, Poland; Cesare, France; Jeanine, The Netherlands; Sherie, USA; Soulena, Germany; Avolyn, Australia

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  • Type: Oil on Oil paper
  • Size: 492mm x 297 mm
  • Frame: Frammed with Glass
Social Paintings

Besides the Reviews appreciation also comes from:

Kelly Jenkins, UK; Yuna, Germany; Liviu Gherman, Romania; Jose Grievera, Indonesia; Mau, Mexico; Kathleen Thompson, Australia; Marina, Serbia; Richard Carnrike, USA; Marta, Italy, Angie McCray, Canada; Allie Reynolds, USA; Bleu Hope, UK; Miliana, USA; Leah, USA; Janik, Belgium; Knut, S Africa; Wenona Williams, USA; HKF, Korea; Sherie, USA; Sterenn, France; Rossana, Italy; Swati, India; Shorina, Russia; Cesare, France; Susana, Germany; Anna, Russia; Elke, Germany; Mendonsa, Spain; Bijay, India; Michael, Australia; Dana, Poland; Luna, Canada; Mariola, Spain; Kelly, UK; Margot, USA; Dennis, New Zealand; Dariana, Poland; Pierre, France; Dani K, Italy; Tisha, Spain; Michael, Australia; Valeria, Portugal; Bijay, India; Shorina, Russia; Mendonsa, Brazil; Urvashi, India; Alpha, USA; Revati, India; Valerio, Italy; Swati, India; Rossana, Italy; Mohan, India; Dariana, Poland; Ramon, Portugal; Toree, Ireland; Dana Sherie, Poland; Cesare, France; Jeanine, The Netherlands; Sherie, USA; Soulena, Germany; Avolyn, Australia

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