believers sow...
oil painting on canvas panel 560mm x 460mm 45 mm wide pine moulding painted orange
On the left
scenes from Sept 11th [''Believers'' Sow]
On the right
scenes from the aftermath of afghan war [America Sows]
Across both the sides the caption reads -
Innocents Reap
Besides the Reviews appreciation also comes from:
Ivan, Spain; Atsushi Kuba, Japan; Liviu Gherman, Romania; Meno, Russia, Betty Crawford, Canada; Kaya Olsen, Denmark
Ivan, Spain; Atsushi Kuba, Japan; Liviu Gherman, Romania; Meno, Russia, Betty Crawford, Canada; Kaya Olsen, Denmark
- Type: oil painting on canvas panel
- Size: 560mm x 460mm
- Frame: 45 mm wide pine moulding painted orange
Contemporary Paintings
Besides the Reviews appreciation also comes from:
Ivan, Spain; Atsushi Kuba, Japan; Liviu Gherman, Romania; Meno, Russia, Betty Crawford, Canada; Kaya Olsen, Denmark
Ivan, Spain; Atsushi Kuba, Japan; Liviu Gherman, Romania; Meno, Russia, Betty Crawford, Canada; Kaya Olsen, Denmark
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