if streets could talk

Oil on Box Canvas 406mmX305mm Unframed, Ready to Hang

continuing the series. The detail shows the opening in the wall - these are houses built by coloured bricks shown in the main paicture

Besides the Reviews appreciation also comes from:

Khatool, Uzbekistan; Marina, Russia; Seth, USA; Valerio, Italy; Chen, UK; Jivo, Russia; Alpha, USA; Enea, Japan; Christine, France; Rossana, Italy; Mandal, India; Elsa, Brazil; Vered, USA; Christin, Germany; Adrian, Canada; Susana, Germany; Lisa, USA; Kazunari, Japan; Dani, Germany; Tia, Italy; Anil, India; Renkli, Turkey; Dash, Mexico; Margaret, UK; Swati, India; Parmo, Italy; Maja, Ireland; Daniel H, UK; Markus, Italy; Emi, Japan; Pablo, Mexico; Mifflin, USA; DF, Mexico; Shawn, USA; HD, Brazil; Leo, USA; Chuz, Sri Lanka; Rijal, India; Elizabeth IK, Germany; Shirin, Iran; Amalia C, Italy; Jeselle, USA; Enola, Iceland; Yasmin, Jordan; CSA, Spain; Wiktor, Poland; Arilee, USA

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  • Type: Oil on Box Canvas
  • Size: 406mmX305mm
  • Frame: Unframed, Ready to Hang
Contemporary Paintings

Besides the Reviews appreciation also comes from:

Khatool, Uzbekistan; Marina, Russia; Seth, USA; Valerio, Italy; Chen, UK; Jivo, Russia; Alpha, USA; Enea, Japan; Christine, France; Rossana, Italy; Mandal, India; Elsa, Brazil; Vered, USA; Christin, Germany; Adrian, Canada; Susana, Germany; Lisa, USA; Kazunari, Japan; Dani, Germany; Tia, Italy; Anil, India; Renkli, Turkey; Dash, Mexico; Margaret, UK; Swati, India; Parmo, Italy; Maja, Ireland; Daniel H, UK; Markus, Italy; Emi, Japan; Pablo, Mexico; Mifflin, USA; DF, Mexico; Shawn, USA; HD, Brazil; Leo, USA; Chuz, Sri Lanka; Rijal, India; Elizabeth IK, Germany; Shirin, Iran; Amalia C, Italy; Jeselle, USA; Enola, Iceland; Yasmin, Jordan; CSA, Spain; Wiktor, Poland; Arilee, USA

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