binned and about to be binned

Oil on Box Canvas 406mmX305mm Unframed, Ready to Hang

  • binned and about to be binned  Oil on Box Canvas 406mmX305mm  Unframed, Ready to Hang for Home and Office by artist C K Purandare

It’s about ageism

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VD, USA; Mizuki, Japan; Kasia, Poland; Valerio, Italy; Singa, Russia; DF, Mexico; KLSS, USA; Raul, Mexico; LT, Malaysia; HSR, USA; Diego, Mexico; Naaro, Canada; Anna, Russia; Gurjyot, India; Toufiq,India; Sabo, Germany; Elsa, Brazil; BTA, USA; Carlos, Chile; Jenna, USA; Abanti, Italy; Khatool, Uzbekistan; Rossana, Italy; Franzoi, Germany; Annemiek, The Netherlands; Justine, Canada; Valencia, Italy ; Enola, Iceland; Diana, Russia;Dag, Germany; RC, Russia; Rijal, India; Marco, Indonesia; Delphi, Germany; Mifflin, USA; Arilee, USA

Tags: Social painting for sale, art, oil painting on canvas, traditional painting, realistic painting, social painting, people in painting, bins in painting, old couple in painting, story in painting, narrative in painting, statement in painting, painting by C K Purandare UK India

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  • Type: Oil on Box Canvas
  • Size: 406mmX305mm
  • Frame: Unframed, Ready to Hang
Social Paintings

Besides the Reviews appreciation also comes from:

VD, USA; Mizuki, Japan; Kasia, Poland; Valerio, Italy; Singa, Russia; DF, Mexico; KLSS, USA; Raul, Mexico; LT, Malaysia; HSR, USA; Diego, Mexico; Naaro, Canada; Anna, Russia; Gurjyot, India; Toufiq,India; Sabo, Germany; Elsa, Brazil; BTA, USA; Carlos, Chile; Jenna, USA; Abanti, Italy; Khatool, Uzbekistan; Rossana, Italy; Franzoi, Germany; Annemiek, The Netherlands; Justine, Canada; Valencia, Italy ; Enola, Iceland; Diana, Russia;Dag, Germany; RC, Russia; Rijal, India; Marco, Indonesia; Delphi, Germany; Mifflin, USA; Arilee, USA

Tags: Social painting for sale, art, oil painting on canvas, traditional painting, realistic painting, social painting, people in painting, bins in painting, old couple in painting, story in painting, narrative in painting, statement in painting, painting by C K Purandare UK India

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