catching up before work starts
Oil on Box Canvas 400 mm X 300 mm Unframed, Ready to Hang
waitresses have a chat.
Katrin, Germany; Leyla, Russia; Elke, Germany; T Carpenter, UK; BTA, USA; Nina, Spain; Timmy, The Netherlands; Marta, Italy; Lilly, UK; UB, India; Alison, USA; Dave, USA; Denis, Germany; Gloria, Canada; HKF, S Korea; Aaron, Italy; Francesca, USA; Nicole Noe, France; Michelle Lynn, USA
Tags: art, oil painting, oil painting on canvas, traditional painting, realistic painting, narrative in painting, subtext to painting, contemporary painting, topical painting, social painting, light atmosphere in the painting, women in the painting, restaurant in painting, breakfast in painting, focus in painting
- Type: Oil on Box Canvas
- Size: 400 mm X 300 mm
- Frame: Unframed, Ready to Hang
Contemporary Paintings
Katrin, Germany; Leyla, Russia; Elke, Germany; T Carpenter, UK; BTA, USA; Nina, Spain; Timmy, The Netherlands; Marta, Italy; Lilly, UK; UB, India; Alison, USA; Dave, USA; Denis, Germany; Gloria, Canada; HKF, S Korea; Aaron, Italy; Francesca, USA; Nicole Noe, France; Michelle Lynn, USA
Tags: art, oil painting, oil painting on canvas, traditional painting, realistic painting, narrative in painting, subtext to painting, contemporary painting, topical painting, social painting, light atmosphere in the painting, women in the painting, restaurant in painting, breakfast in painting, focus in painting
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