
oil on oil-paper 297mm x 420mm framed 450mmx 530mm

  • conversation  oil on oil-paper  297mm x 420mm framed 450mmx 530mm for Home and Office by artist C K Purandare

This image has been used by a marathi magazine - Rasik - in their special Diwali issue Nov 07

Besides the Reviews appreciation also comes from:

Danny Henessy, Austria; GD, Poland; Adrienne, USA; Nadia, Georgia; HR, Spain; fn, USA; Luna, Mexico; Max , Germany; Siobhan T, USA; Brian V, USA; Amber, Australia; Leslie N, Canada; Wendy R, USA; Kim Y, USA; Mayisha, USA; Liviu Gherman, Romania; KS, USA; Anca Grigoras, Romania; Wenona Williams, USA; Roxy Elle, Romania; Frank, Belgium; HKF, Korea; BW, Bulgaria; Lucia, Italy; Gillian Linden, USA; Mona, Iran; Saad, Egypt; BTA, Canada; Sherie, USA

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  • Type: oil on oil-paper
  • Size: 297mm x 420mm
  • Frame: framed 450mmx 530mm
Contemporary Paintings

Besides the Reviews appreciation also comes from:

Danny Henessy, Austria; GD, Poland; Adrienne, USA; Nadia, Georgia; HR, Spain; fn, USA; Luna, Mexico; Max , Germany; Siobhan T, USA; Brian V, USA; Amber, Australia; Leslie N, Canada; Wendy R, USA; Kim Y, USA; Mayisha, USA; Liviu Gherman, Romania; KS, USA; Anca Grigoras, Romania; Wenona Williams, USA; Roxy Elle, Romania; Frank, Belgium; HKF, Korea; BW, Bulgaria; Lucia, Italy; Gillian Linden, USA; Mona, Iran; Saad, Egypt; BTA, Canada; Sherie, USA

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