
Oil on Canvas 300 mm X 230 mm Framed with non-reflective glass

  • courtyard  Oil on Canvas 300 mm X 230 mm Framed with non-reflective glass for Home and Office by artist C K Purandare

courtyard of a north African house.

This painting in on loan to the Department of Environmental Sciences, SP Pune University, Pune, India

Besides the Reviews appreciation also comes from:

Cryo, The Netherlands; Dave, USA; Meral Sarioglu, Turkey; Marta Raff, Italy; Connie, Canada; Aelia Naqwi, USA; Kirke, Croatia; STB, USA; Cristina Britea, Romania; Iside, Italy; BK, Lebanon; Joe, USA; Lulu P, USA; Nick B, Australia; Katariina, Russia; Dieter, Germany; Avolyn, Australia

Tags: art, oil painting, oil painting on canvas, traditional painting, symbolic painting, realistic painting, narrative in painting, subtext to painting, contemporary painting, topical painting, social painting, people in the painting, courtyard, sunny painting, light-and-shadow in painting, relaxed atmosphere in the painting, quiet in the painting

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  • Type: Oil on Canvas
  • Size: 300 mm X 230 mm
  • Frame: Framed with non-reflective glass
Contemporary Paintings

Besides the Reviews appreciation also comes from:

Cryo, The Netherlands; Dave, USA; Meral Sarioglu, Turkey; Marta Raff, Italy; Connie, Canada; Aelia Naqwi, USA; Kirke, Croatia; STB, USA; Cristina Britea, Romania; Iside, Italy; BK, Lebanon; Joe, USA; Lulu P, USA; Nick B, Australia; Katariina, Russia; Dieter, Germany; Avolyn, Australia

Tags: art, oil painting, oil painting on canvas, traditional painting, symbolic painting, realistic painting, narrative in painting, subtext to painting, contemporary painting, topical painting, social painting, people in the painting, courtyard, sunny painting, light-and-shadow in painting, relaxed atmosphere in the painting, quiet in the painting

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