quo vadis

Acrylic on box canvas 405mm x 505mm Unframed, Ready to Hang

  • quo vadis  Acrylic on box canvas 405mm x 505mm Unframed, Ready to Hang for Home and Office by artist C K Purandare

Besides the Reviews appreciation also comes from:

Rachel, Canada; OP, Vietnam; MC, UK; Vanessa, USA; Wenona Williams, USA; Maannjoof, Nigeria; Pooja, India; Skaria, Serbia Faiz, Egypt; Novia, Spain; Yasmin, Turkiye; Shreya, India; Isaac, Israel; Deena, Iran; Roopkatha, India, Zakir, Bangladesh; Ben, UK; Sunny, USA; Salim, Egypt; Mustafa, Turkiye; Roma, Italy; Iyana, Portugal; Jeanine, The Netherlands; Sherie, USA; Lotus, Bulgaria; Michel, France; Valerio, Italy; Shirin, Iran; Susana, Germany; Alpha, USA; Marco, Indonesia; Raven, USA; Rossana, Italy

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  • Type: Acrylic on box canvas
  • Size: 405mm x 505mm
  • Frame: Unframed, Ready to Hang
Contemporary Paintings

Besides the Reviews appreciation also comes from:

Rachel, Canada; OP, Vietnam; MC, UK; Vanessa, USA; Wenona Williams, USA; Maannjoof, Nigeria; Pooja, India; Skaria, Serbia Faiz, Egypt; Novia, Spain; Yasmin, Turkiye; Shreya, India; Isaac, Israel; Deena, Iran; Roopkatha, India, Zakir, Bangladesh; Ben, UK; Sunny, USA; Salim, Egypt; Mustafa, Turkiye; Roma, Italy; Iyana, Portugal; Jeanine, The Netherlands; Sherie, USA; Lotus, Bulgaria; Michel, France; Valerio, Italy; Shirin, Iran; Susana, Germany; Alpha, USA; Marco, Indonesia; Raven, USA; Rossana, Italy

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