digging trench

Oil on oil Paper 430 mm X 300 mm Unframed

That is all they are doing in the middle-east in 2023

Besides the Reviews appreciation also comes from:

Soulena, Germany; Ellena, The Netherlands; Cesare, France; Swati, India; Kertesz, Poland; Susana, Germany; Mohini, India; Daniel H, UK; Pierre, France; Urvashi, India; Yvonne, France; Bijay, India; Rossana, Italy; Ada, Hungary; Noriko, Japan; Fawna, USA; Kik, Poland; Raoul, Mexico; Barzan, Chile; Winfrith, USA; Bianca, UK; Selen, Italy; Daniel H, UK; Nina, Russia; Sterenn B, France; Shorina, Russia; Kavita, India, Anita, USA; Emi, Japan; Elsa, Brazil; Kamini, India; Bertha, The Netherlands; Roline, France; Gluck, Germany; Diana, Greece; Erin, UK; Karolin, Canada; Mila, USA; DD, USA; Alberto, Italy; Bella, Colombia, Mensyur, Indonesia; Yazeh, Canada; Robe, Italy; Ivan, Russia; Roberto, Italy; SA, UK; Avolyn, Australia

Tags: digging trench by CK Purandare

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  • Type: Oil on oil Paper
  • Size: 430 mm X 300 mm
  • Frame: Unframed
Contemporary Paintings

Besides the Reviews appreciation also comes from:

Soulena, Germany; Ellena, The Netherlands; Cesare, France; Swati, India; Kertesz, Poland; Susana, Germany; Mohini, India; Daniel H, UK; Pierre, France; Urvashi, India; Yvonne, France; Bijay, India; Rossana, Italy; Ada, Hungary; Noriko, Japan; Fawna, USA; Kik, Poland; Raoul, Mexico; Barzan, Chile; Winfrith, USA; Bianca, UK; Selen, Italy; Daniel H, UK; Nina, Russia; Sterenn B, France; Shorina, Russia; Kavita, India, Anita, USA; Emi, Japan; Elsa, Brazil; Kamini, India; Bertha, The Netherlands; Roline, France; Gluck, Germany; Diana, Greece; Erin, UK; Karolin, Canada; Mila, USA; DD, USA; Alberto, Italy; Bella, Colombia, Mensyur, Indonesia; Yazeh, Canada; Robe, Italy; Ivan, Russia; Roberto, Italy; SA, UK; Avolyn, Australia

Tags: digging trench by CK Purandare

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