rock climbers

Oil on oil Paper 300 mm X 400 mm Unframed

  • rock climbers  Oil on oil Paper 300 mm X 400 mm Unframed for Home and Office by artist C K Purandare


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Vara, Russia; Ann, Malaysia; Berf, Germany; Sora, USA; Daniel, UK; Raoul, Mexico; Winfrith, USA; Emi, Japan; Diana, USA; Lara, Brazil; Sara, USA; NS, Bahamas; Kik, Poland; Patrick, USA; Ivy, Ireland; Gaurangini, India; Vania, Russia; Clement, UK; Tingsryd, Sweden; HHW, USA; Bela, Colombia; Gillian, USA; Soon, Poland; Kogu. Estonia; BMI, USA; Evdoko, Cyprus; Yzeh, Canada; Marinos, Greece; Tom, USA; Kashoka, Poland; Selen, Italy; Pascalina, Hungary; Zevi, France, Athena, Germany; Kuhn, Finland; Denis, USA; Nuo, Indonesia; Hana, Romania; Rahim, USA; Lilith, Poland; Inge, Germany; Nicolas, France; Kirk, USA; Salla, Finland; Sterenn B, France; Khatool, Uzbekistan; Csab, France; Ivan , Russia; Yu Taiwan; Roberto, Italy; Shawn, USA; SA, UK; Susana, Germany; Sing, Russia; Rastin, Iran; SDA, USA

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  • Type: Oil on oil Paper
  • Size: 300 mm X 400 mm
  • Frame: Unframed
Contemporary Paintings

Besides the Reviews appreciation also comes from:

Vara, Russia; Ann, Malaysia; Berf, Germany; Sora, USA; Daniel, UK; Raoul, Mexico; Winfrith, USA; Emi, Japan; Diana, USA; Lara, Brazil; Sara, USA; NS, Bahamas; Kik, Poland; Patrick, USA; Ivy, Ireland; Gaurangini, India; Vania, Russia; Clement, UK; Tingsryd, Sweden; HHW, USA; Bela, Colombia; Gillian, USA; Soon, Poland; Kogu. Estonia; BMI, USA; Evdoko, Cyprus; Yzeh, Canada; Marinos, Greece; Tom, USA; Kashoka, Poland; Selen, Italy; Pascalina, Hungary; Zevi, France, Athena, Germany; Kuhn, Finland; Denis, USA; Nuo, Indonesia; Hana, Romania; Rahim, USA; Lilith, Poland; Inge, Germany; Nicolas, France; Kirk, USA; Salla, Finland; Sterenn B, France; Khatool, Uzbekistan; Csab, France; Ivan , Russia; Yu Taiwan; Roberto, Italy; Shawn, USA; SA, UK; Susana, Germany; Sing, Russia; Rastin, Iran; SDA, USA

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