
Oil on Box Canvas 305 mm X 305 mm Unframed, Ready to hang

  • focus  Oil on Box Canvas 305 mm X 305 mm Unframed, Ready to hang for Home and Office by artist C K Purandare

Some see this oil painting on canvas as Northern Lights in Lapland, Aurora Borealis.

Besides the Reviews appreciation also comes from:

WG, USA; Marcel, Poland; Thomasina, New Zealand; Anna Kmiecik, Poland; Ida, USA; Dave, UK; Liviu Gherman, Romania; Betsy, UK; Weston, USA; Luna C, Canada; Sally Duffield, UK; Marion Tank, Germany; Joseph Monasky, USA; Carlotta, USA; Rose Kins, UK; Rioja Mazter, Portugal; Angelina, USA; Listherix Pennant, USA; Roxy Elle, Romania; Julian Schulze, Germany; Marta, Italy; Dewey Morris, Uruguay; Audra B, USA; Meral Sarioglu, Turkey; Jennifer, USA; AP, Russia; Elsa, Brazil; Kathy, Germany; Noora, Egypt; Sherie, USA; Shorina, Russia; Swati, India; Briella, USA; Susana, Germany; Khatool, Uzbekistan; Wibke, Austria; Mohini, India; Cesare, France; Michael, Australia; Danial, Ireland; Kim, S Korea; Tamerlene, Turkey; Ben, Switzerland; Siva; USA; Andzelika, Poland; Jack, USA; Jimene, Spain; Lu, Czech Republic; Damir, Turkey; TWA, USA; Jin, UK; Oksana, Russia; Rebekah, USA; Aldo, Italy; Roswitha, USA; Jorge, France; Magdalena, Hungary; Haykel, Turkey; Gia, France; VK, Germany; Abhishek, India; MEX, USA; Nori, Iran; Eva, Finland; Mochi, Japan, Mariola, Spain; Dana; Poland; Theo, Greece ; Sterenn B, France; Teresa, Portugal; Soulena, Germany; Maria Rose, Italy; Stella, New Zealand

Tags: study in form, study in colour, art, oil painting on canvas, minimalist, abstract painting, landscape painting, hill in the painting, cloud in the painting, sky in the painting, grey color, yellow color, green color, black color

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  • Type: Oil on Box Canvas
  • Size: 305 mm X 305 mm
  • Frame: Unframed, Ready to hang
Modern Art Paintings

Besides the Reviews appreciation also comes from:

WG, USA; Marcel, Poland; Thomasina, New Zealand; Anna Kmiecik, Poland; Ida, USA; Dave, UK; Liviu Gherman, Romania; Betsy, UK; Weston, USA; Luna C, Canada; Sally Duffield, UK; Marion Tank, Germany; Joseph Monasky, USA; Carlotta, USA; Rose Kins, UK; Rioja Mazter, Portugal; Angelina, USA; Listherix Pennant, USA; Roxy Elle, Romania; Julian Schulze, Germany; Marta, Italy; Dewey Morris, Uruguay; Audra B, USA; Meral Sarioglu, Turkey; Jennifer, USA; AP, Russia; Elsa, Brazil; Kathy, Germany; Noora, Egypt; Sherie, USA; Shorina, Russia; Swati, India; Briella, USA; Susana, Germany; Khatool, Uzbekistan; Wibke, Austria; Mohini, India; Cesare, France; Michael, Australia; Danial, Ireland; Kim, S Korea; Tamerlene, Turkey; Ben, Switzerland; Siva; USA; Andzelika, Poland; Jack, USA; Jimene, Spain; Lu, Czech Republic; Damir, Turkey; TWA, USA; Jin, UK; Oksana, Russia; Rebekah, USA; Aldo, Italy; Roswitha, USA; Jorge, France; Magdalena, Hungary; Haykel, Turkey; Gia, France; VK, Germany; Abhishek, India; MEX, USA; Nori, Iran; Eva, Finland; Mochi, Japan, Mariola, Spain; Dana; Poland; Theo, Greece ; Sterenn B, France; Teresa, Portugal; Soulena, Germany; Maria Rose, Italy; Stella, New Zealand

Tags: study in form, study in colour, art, oil painting on canvas, minimalist, abstract painting, landscape painting, hill in the painting, cloud in the painting, sky in the painting, grey color, yellow color, green color, black color

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